Haha... imho, Asou keeps feeding the puppy, you know ^^ Nagao would loose his footing, trying to domineer a successful and independent man ten years his senior, if Asou wouldn't keep giving in - that's why he said "He's cute". Asou falls for Nagaos' teasing, but he's generally anticipating it - with a senior's composure. It's quite funny this way ^^

I agree it will continue but I actually think Asou is just as manipulating, if not even more. He lets Nagou TRY to manipulate him so he ends up crying. Am I the only one who thinks that?

@Jane doe you are correct the way they interact Asou is definitely manipulating Nagao as well

I get that, I really do.. But it still just annoys me that Nagao gets away with kissing a guy just cause he's throwing a thantrum.. Really!
I feel like I would have liked this more if Asou wasn't so overly passive. I understand if he wasn't a confrontational person, but there is a limit. I feel like this basically how their relationship will be like for as long as they're together. A whiny selfish seme who uses manipulation and hurtful methods to get his way, and a emotionally confused uke who refuses to stand up for himself. I was let down. :(