thank you so much

Thanks very much!

Thank you very much

God bless you girl!! thank you for sharing them with us.

thank you. may i know where did you buy it? could you please give me the link?
i wanna buy it too..

Thank you so much! Can you tell me if the sex scene between Mik and Fei has been changed? Like more panels added or different panels redrawn? I am waiting for German translation but it seems volume 9 has been postponed to next year summer (should have been out end of November 2019) so I wonder when I can read volume 10!!!!

Yes, you can actually get it from amazon.co.jp. Here is the link (the animate version is different however but you can only buy it in Japan I believe, or something like eBay or maybe if you know someone in Japan they can get it for you)
This is the amazon edition:
This is the regular edition:
This means first edition: 初回限定版 which is when you can get the extra booklet (which is what the raws are from) and this means "booklet": 小冊子 so as long as it says these in the product description you should be able to get the one with the booklet (the benefits, which is only with the first editions). Here is the full Japanese copied from amazon: ※コミックスの収録内容・小冊子はビーボーイコミックス「ファインダーの蜜月 初回限定版」と同じものです。
This is the animate site for the animate version:

I can tell you there's nothing else added to that sex scene (and this is very sad).

Ah,Thank you!

Oh, ok, I'm very sorry, I thought it was included in volume 10 instead of volume 9, thank you so much for the explanation!

Thank you very much

Hey! I reposted it:
Since many have been asking for this, I decided to upload it. Its from my own personal book so the image quality might not be so good because I used my phone instead of a scanner to prevent damage to it. Since I've never contributed to mangago I figured this way I could. Hope you guys enjoy it! I'll keep the link up for a week. If there anyone who'd like to use the raws thats fine by me (but honestly it might be better to just wait for the non official groups who are doing this to upload better quality images.)