I don't like the art it's so lifeless

Rose date December 15, 2019 2:11 am

I don't like the art it's so lifeless

    Funbag February 5, 2020 7:10 am
    Don't know really it's mostly full of little cunts bitching about me but seriously 70% of people who responded liked my comment yet none of them said anything wtf:/ Rose date

    No it's really normal mad people react more

    Misty June 7, 2020 9:05 am

    I mean that is a valid opinion, but isn't it a little harsh? In my opinion art is hard in general and I'm fairly impressed by anyone who can do art professionally.

    Rose date June 7, 2020 9:34 am
    I mean that is a valid opinion, but isn't it a little harsh? In my opinion art is hard in general and I'm fairly impressed by anyone who can do art professionally. Misty

    Well the art isn't lively really
    Harsh?? I really don't think so I think the fans like the story & the author soooo much that they can't accept the fact the art is boring

    Misty June 7, 2020 10:05 am
    Well the art isn't lively really Harsh?? I really don't think so I think the fans like the story & the author soooo much that they can't accept the fact the art is boring Rose date

    Wouldn't it of just been better to just say the art wasn't lively in the first place. The negative connotation to the word lifeless is much stronger than just calling it boring or not lively. I would agree that I stylistically prefer manhwas that have a different color scheme, but I wouldn't call it flat out lifeless. Instead it would be better to call it plain or less lively so it sounds less like a criticism and more like a critique.

    Misty June 7, 2020 10:07 am
    Well the art isn't lively really Harsh?? I really don't think so I think the fans like the story & the author soooo much that they can't accept the fact the art is boring Rose date

    Wouldn't it of just been better to just say the art wasn't lively in the first place. The negative connotation to the word lifeless is much stronger than just calling it boring or not lively. I would agree that I stylistically prefer manhwas that have a different color scheme, but I wouldn't call it flat out lifeless. Instead it would be better to call it plain or not lively so it sounds less like a criticism and more like a critique.

    Misty June 7, 2020 10:08 am
    Well the art isn't lively really Harsh?? I really don't think so I think the fans like the story & the author soooo much that they can't accept the fact the art is boring Rose date

    Wouldn't it of just been better to just say the art wasn't lively in the first place. The negative connotation to the word lifeless is much stronger than just calling it boring or not lively. I would agree that I stylistically prefer manhwas that have a different color scheme, but I wouldn't call it flat out lifeless. Instead it would be better to call it plain or less lively so it sounds less like a criticism and more like a critique.

    Misty June 7, 2020 10:34 am
    Wouldn't it of just been better to just say the art wasn't lively in the first place. The negative connotation to the word lifeless is much stronger than just calling it boring or not lively. I would agree that... Misty

    I ment to say less like an insult and more like a critique.
    My phone also glitches on me so it reposted it like 3 times, sorry.

    Rose date June 9, 2020 2:01 am

    Yeah I understand what you mean you're not wrong
    but to me lifeless & not lively means the same and a lot of people probably thinks the same so I'm sure if I had said not lively instead of lifeless few some people would've gotten triggered again though at some point these arguments became funny to me they still looked stupid to me

    Rose date June 9, 2020 2:03 am
    I ment to say less like an insult and more like a critique.My phone also glitches on me so it reposted it like 3 times, sorry. Misty

    It's OK don't worry
    Btw how did you find my comment I think it's under a lot of comments

    Misty June 9, 2020 8:17 am
    It's OK don't worry Btw how did you find my comment I think it's under a lot of comments Rose date

    I clicked on popularity and yours was the first that came up

    Rose date June 9, 2020 10:07 pm
    I clicked on popularity and yours was the first that came up Misty

    Well that's funny