Nakyum was saying that they should move to another town, since the merchants would attract attnetion, however Inhun says that he knows what Nakyum has been doing (painting erotic pictures) and says that he should "just paint" and "didn't you promise me your help? Just do as you are told.". Nakyum reluctantly agrees.
So basically they're going to go back :(( He's going to be in all kinds of hell when he returnsss lol.

Thank you so much!
I'm was so proud that NK made such a huge move in a previous chapter. I rarely ever see ukes who run away from abuse. Than this a-hole comes up and tells him this?? This dude is manipulating him back to the hungry lion. I hope that the lion realises that he can't treat a human like that, his faces were rather colorful when he realised NK ran away
Spoiler for chapter 29
Okay, I can't wait a whole week to understand the context of the last bit nor another 2-3 for the translation. I'm beating my head trying to understand what the teacher said to Nakyum. From the body language and expressions, I'm not getting anything good. I feel like he manipulated him by saying something (I have another 10 ideas for this). So can a nice soul just surmise it? I bet someone else will also appreciate it