I just can’t get used to it like I’m sorry but this manga and a lot of manga doesn’t stand out in any way whatsoever for it to reviewed as 5/5 (basically perfect). You don’t need a deep or very beautiful story or like 80 chapters for it to have 5/5 stars. There are a lot of criteria apart from the actual story. So even if the manga plot doesn’t suit my tastes because I don’t like the trope it still could be a 4/5 story for me if the art is really awesome or the smut very And there are also very good bl manga that don’t even have 10 chapters so one shots can be extraordinary too. But this story has a nonexistent story that isn’t saved by awesome sexy times and the art is okay but also not standing out. I know lol everyone is like “yo girl calm down it’s just a manga” and lol you’re right but I needed to get it out of my system for once!

Lol is ok, I understand you. I don't like this Manga either, it got on my nerves when the tried to use the drunk guy for his personal purpose. But some people may like these kind of situations. I've seen Mangas with rape with disrespect towards people and the readers like us on the comments were like "oh I like this manga" and so on. And you can't change that ( ̄へ ̄)
I sincerely don’t understand how people have so little requirements for them to vote above 4 or even 5 stars. That’s not just the case with this manga. I know taste is subjective but come on that manga even if you are REALLY generous doesn’t deserve more than three stars. I give it 1 star but seeing that people actually give that one 4/5 stars makes me believe that they genuinely don’t know any good manga or (and that would be way worse) they do know good manga/ specifically good bl manga and they still put it on a par with those. Sorry for the vent but I see this all the time and I can’t