Here some pedophile shit BUT we’ll justify it to make it acceptable lol

Smirs December 12, 2019 2:50 am

Here some pedophile shit BUT we’ll justify it to make it acceptable lol

    Madness December 14, 2019 12:00 pm

    statutory rape? yes. pedophilia? no.
    Pedophilia is defined by an adult interested in children not teenagers. So anyone who is not developed fully developed in size and features.
    These boys are teenagers so they are fully grown and past the pedophilia age. Now they are just underage so that is considered statutory rape. Meaning they are too young to give proper consent to an adult.

    Mrs.Okumara December 28, 2019 7:06 am

    Lets do some math here yes, so Sousuke said he was 31 and 13 years after their time so 31 - 13 = 18 :/

    Madness December 29, 2019 5:29 am
    Lets do some math here yes, so Sousuke said he was 31 and 13 years after their time so 31 - 13 = 18 :/ Mrs.Okumara

    thank you, I stand corrected. It is neither statutory rape nor pedophilia. So there r no problems here.