I really miss.. well, just Hori. I think her character's been lost throughout the whole th...

Mari December 11, 2019 4:37 pm

I really miss.. well, just Hori. I think her character's been lost throughout the whole thing. Yes, she was always hot-tempered, but it was never uncalled for or unfair for the people around her. She seems to have lost a lot of her wonderful nuances and now she's just a ball of extreme emotions all the time.

This is not to hate on the manga in any shape or form, it used to be my all-time favorite. I just think it has lost a lot of its maturity it had, and I don't really feel anything about Hori and Miyamura's relationship anymore, either. It made sense why they would be together in the beginning and create a romantic relation, and it gave me those god-tier tingles, but now it just feels so .. empty, I guess you could say.

It's so regretful that I feel this way about this manga now when I loved it so much. Am I the only one?

    A j December 12, 2019 3:20 am

    Sorry - I swear I hit thumbs up but saw it show up as down. Totally agree with you.

    theloner56 December 12, 2019 3:49 am

    I feel the same. This was one of my favorites but after awhile I started to not like the way Hori acted towards others and Miyamura.