I am so sad to hear about people's sibling relationships in the comments LMAO, I am deeply...

Mari December 9, 2019 9:31 pm

I am so sad to hear about people's sibling relationships in the comments LMAO, I am deeply uncomfortable by how the brother is treating her and I'm the younger sister of one. Have I just been very lucky????

    Aki December 10, 2019 3:03 am

    You are not alone ( ̄∇ ̄") Guys, you need help

    Sais December 10, 2019 5:56 am

    when your raised with an older brother who always wanted to fight you on a daily, it honestly becomes normalized with the younger siblings.

    Ruru Hikaru December 10, 2019 7:20 am

    I'm got older brother and younger brother.. I'm the only girl. Most of the time I got pampered. As long as I behave, they treat me nicely too. Even when I'm not, they never treat me badly too. I think.. I'm among the lucky one.. I never got bullied by my siblings..

    Airee December 11, 2019 3:21 pm
    when your raised with an older brother who always wanted to fight you on a daily, it honestly becomes normalized with the younger siblings. Sais

    it's so true

    2seung December 12, 2019 4:58 am

    Bruh, this is a comedy manga. I didn’t see you up in arms at two 6y/os being betrothed and a 6y/o boy being good at whipping. Nor did I see you shocked that the father didn’t die from fainting and hitting his head. The brother is just part of the comedic effect, you realise that? No child can be lifted like that, they’ll break their neck.

    Mari December 12, 2019 10:39 pm
    Bruh, this is a comedy manga. I didn’t see you up in arms at two 6y/os being betrothed and a 6y/o boy being good at whipping. Nor did I see you shocked that the father didn’t die from fainting and hitting h... 2seung

    Dude, chill out. I'm just saying I don't find it comedic since it seems more abusive than funny with malicious intent. The other things are just out-right ridiculous and over-the-top which makes it funny, this just seemed different to me. I was just uncomfortable, and it seems like a lot of people agree with that, so no need to answer with that kind of tone.