
I don't think he needs to produce an heir though,,, since yakuza heads can appoint who they want to succeed them but it's most preferable for most to give them to their son to preserve the bloodline but i don't think yuki wants any of that unless yagami the fucker influences him to do so i just hope he dies w/o causing problems to yuki and haru
One of yukis tattoos disappeared!!!the one on his side! And what's he saying, I won't be able to get it up with a woman!! They had a laugh about it but then he got jealous over hearing haru slept with someone after the brother died. Sheesh!
It does make you wonder tho...if one day he'd have to get a wife and pop out a kid..I feel haru would understand and take it as a matter of course...And that kinda is sad. Dont mind my ramblings too much!