Azuma wasn't as much of a jerk as everyone was making him out to be. He was honest about A...

Anonymous December 8, 2019 11:56 pm

Azuma wasn't as much of a jerk as everyone was making him out to be. He was honest about Ao's lack of acting ability (which Aoi acknowledges himself later on). Azuma was harsh but most talent agents/ writers have to be tough on their actors. He didn't meet Risako alone. Her current boyfriend, the manager was with them. He felt guilty towards Wakatabe because his mom stole money from him and sent a stalker after him (would have been better if we saw it but still). He was a grumpy writer but didn't cheat, didn't force sex on Ao, and wasn't controlling. Other yaoi boyfriends probably would have stopped their lover from acting out of jealousy. Just saying Azuma is pretty great in comparison.

    randomfangirl September 27, 2020 10:30 pm

    I can understand all of these, and Azuma telling Ao off for his bad acting isn't as terrible as many people are making it sound lime since it was a playwright he put a lot of effort into. But "handing over" his lover to his stepbrother due to guilt was a major turnoff. Feels like Ao should've atleast make Azuma suffer a little bit for doing that. Other than that it actually had a pretty good story.