Yes it can. It has a lot to do with psychology as well as biology. During sex a large amount of information is exchanged. The partners compatibility is being analysed in practice so to say. You are flooded with information about their dna compatibility, if your "vibes" fit to each other, if you feel good during it, the all aroung athmosphere. Everything is an experience. You can meet someone for the first time adn immediatly go to a hotel and have the best sex of your life and both suprisingly and unexpectedly have a super intimate sexual intercourse. Not only getting it on, but an actual intimacy beyond only the obvious. Sex can be super practical, but it can also end up being more when you meet someone who ends up being compatible on all levels with you by pure chance. :) It happens often that only one party is open to the experience and the truth so not always does it end in an actual relationship. But at least one party can fall in love if the conditions for them were all met. :)

I have to point this out tho. While I agree they're doing it in every chapter but, it was made clear that YD fell for Dojin because of his consideration and kindness towards YD. Everytime he turns back time, there are always new things that he adores about Dojin making him fell deeper and deeper for him. As he turned back time multiple times, Dojin's feelings for YD started to get stronger with every time turning that he lived alone until his old days for the last two times.
Anyway I was also wondering before how the frick YD loves Dojin so much
I always wonder... In real life can love develop from sex? Don't get me wrong, I love their love but I just wonder if it is realistic because if so, I need to find a fxxx buddy and have a HEA.