Does the nerdy guy become dommy like in the first few chapters again?

Esdeath2701 December 7, 2019 11:48 am

Does the nerdy guy become dommy like in the first few chapters again?

I'm up to chapter 28, and when he turns into a demon, he keeps his usual personality. In the first few chapters, his personality would change after the transformation. Does it ever change again?

    BubblegumB!tch December 27, 2019 1:19 pm

    god I hope we get more dom boi, he was so cute

    Lady Nd9 December 27, 2019 9:22 pm

    I'm suspecting that it was kind of a "repressed expressing" situation. I mean, the shyness overrides most of his other personnality traits the same way his human side/disguise(?) overrides his demon identity, which is why the first times there was a total flip. But now that he is aware, I think they'll merge?