Okay so i was reading this one yaoi and it had an aphrodisiac in it and i was wandering is...

Sebaciel December 7, 2019 9:19 am

Okay so i was reading this one yaoi and it had an aphrodisiac in it and i was wandering is there a really good aphrodisiac out there ? Like i really want to buy it that's why i wanna know.

    Fuse December 7, 2019 11:09 am

    I'd suggest googling it because that'd be more trustworthy than strangers on the internet.

    rose December 7, 2019 1:52 pm

    But as far as I know, most "aphrodisiacs " aren't as magical as they are in fiction; ie: making people weak and unbearably horny to the point where the lose all sense of reason.
    To get those sort of effects in real life you'd probably have to combine a variety of hallucinagenics, illegal drugs, and hypnotism. Even that would probably get you mixed results from person to person. Maybe they get horny, maybe they try and rip off their own genitals.
    Most safe things that call themselves aphrodisiacs, (chocolate, hot peppers, mystery vitamin pill, etc, etc) work under the placebo effect. Which shouldn't be underestimated. Its basically self hypnotism after all. But in general, the physical/chemical effect they have on the body is minimal when it comes to boosting libido.
    Viagra is different in that it actively stimulates the chemicals that say, "have erection" in guys. But having an erection does not immediately translate to "must have sex with first thing that moves". Guys can get an erection and have no mental desire for sex at all. It and its like are probably the closest we have to a true aphrodisiac. However, its for men only. Perhaps someday a similar drug will be created for women, but considering our society, it'll probably just be used as a date rape drug.