I'm conflicted due Yang does bad things but when he is with the two of them he's so soft

Kawaiineko❤namjoon December 6, 2019 8:52 pm

I'm conflicted due Yang does bad things but when he is with the two of them he's so soft

    ... December 6, 2019 10:21 pm

    Evil as he is he is a sad character. I watched the drama. It was really good!

    Kawaiineko❤namjoon December 7, 2019 7:32 am
    Evil as he is he is a sad character. I watched the drama. It was really good! ...

    I watched a bit of the drama. Characters like xue Yang give me the feels

    ... December 7, 2019 12:01 pm
    I watched a bit of the drama. Characters like xue Yang give me the feels Kawaiineko❤namjoon

    That they do.

    Mici Angels December 8, 2019 1:52 am

    He cares for A-Qing and XXC. In the next chapter you'll see how he shows that he does like Little Blind even if he's always mean to her

    ... December 8, 2019 11:00 am
    He cares for A-Qing and XXC. In the next chapter you'll see how he shows that he does like Little Blind even if he's always mean to her Mici Angels

    We can already see that. That's why he is a sad character.

    JustBeingMyself December 8, 2019 8:02 pm
    He cares for A-Qing and XXC. In the next chapter you'll see how he shows that he does like Little Blind even if he's always mean to her Mici Angels

    But he killed her right? The same way as he did to that other guy. Because first time meeting her as a ghost she has her tongue cut out too

    Mici Angels December 8, 2019 8:24 pm
    But he killed her right? The same way as he did to that other guy. Because first time meeting her as a ghost she has her tongue cut out too JustBeingMyself

    I think that was the result of XXC dying. He acted like someone opened a lit of something boiling over. He didn't exorcise her tho, which is rather strange since he could actually harm her ghost. His temper tantrum was overly destructive tho

    ... December 8, 2019 9:49 pm
    But he killed her right? The same way as he did to that other guy. Because first time meeting her as a ghost she has her tongue cut out too JustBeingMyself

    Yue Yang isn't a good person that's for sure. But the world wasn't good to him so he doesn't see any point in being good to it. XXC and the (not so) blind girl though they are good to him but he is at the point where even if Yue Yang wants to be good to someone he doesn't know how. If he can keep things going as they are (the peaceful days spent by those 3 togather) he will do it. Regardless of how he goes about it.

    How the plot plays out in the webtoon - lets see. But in the drama she wasn't dead. He blinded her and cut off her tongue but didn't kill her. Infact she was still living in the same place. And Yue Yang was around as well.

    Kawaiineko❤namjoon December 8, 2019 10:35 pm
    Yue Yang isn't a good person that's for sure. But the world wasn't good to him so he doesn't see any point in being good to it. XXC and the (not so) blind girl though they are good to him but he is at the point... ...

    Shit this is giving me too many feels it's so tragic

    Mici Angels December 8, 2019 11:24 pm
    Yue Yang isn't a good person that's for sure. But the world wasn't good to him so he doesn't see any point in being good to it. XXC and the (not so) blind girl though they are good to him but he is at the point... ...

    Reminds me how he was also protective of JGY, in the extra villainous friends. He lowkey told him he would rape someone if someone called him a son of a whore and afterwards he cut off one dudes tongue when he called JGY like that. MXTX's called him perverted and that he shows his affection in a twisted way.
    His character song in CQL, kills me with knives :(

    JustBeingMyself December 9, 2019 8:10 am
    Yue Yang isn't a good person that's for sure. But the world wasn't good to him so he doesn't see any point in being good to it. XXC and the (not so) blind girl though they are good to him but he is at the point... ...

    The drama sounds actually more sadistic that way. Oh my. Keeping her alive while doing those horrific deeds (⊙…⊙ ) ( ̄∇ ̄")

    uuranor December 10, 2019 11:39 am
    Yue Yang isn't a good person that's for sure. But the world wasn't good to him so he doesn't see any point in being good to it. XXC and the (not so) blind girl though they are good to him but he is at the point... ...

    I Think He really loved XXC and A-Quing and enjoyed his life with them.
    In the end of this arc

    According to the novel
    He just wanted WWX to bring XXC back to life and dies still holding the Candy XXC grave him.

    Kawaiineko❤namjoon December 10, 2019 2:27 pm
    I Think He really loved XXC and A-Quing and enjoyed his life with them.In the end of this arc SPOILERAccording to the novelHe just wanted WWX to bring XXC back to life and dies still holding the Candy XXC grave... uuranor

    Well shit the hurts

    Kawaiineko❤namjoon December 10, 2019 2:27 pm
    I Think He really loved XXC and A-Quing and enjoyed his life with them.In the end of this arc SPOILERAccording to the novelHe just wanted WWX to bring XXC back to life and dies still holding the Candy XXC grave... uuranor


    ... December 18, 2019 9:50 pm
    I Think He really loved XXC and A-Quing and enjoyed his life with them.In the end of this arc SPOILERAccording to the novelHe just wanted WWX to bring XXC back to life and dies still holding the Candy XXC grave... uuranor

    That's what happened in the drama too. He wanted WWX to piece XXC's soul back togather so he could revive him.

    ... December 18, 2019 9:53 pm
    Reminds me how he was also protective of JGY, in the extra villainous friends. He lowkey told him he would rape someone if someone called him a son of a whore and afterwards he cut off one dudes tongue when he ... Mici Angels

    Haven't heard that song could you please give me a link. And also haven't seen (or read?) extra villainous friends. But it totally sounds like it warrents a check.

    ... December 18, 2019 9:56 pm
    The drama sounds actually more sadistic that way. Oh my. Keeping her alive while doing those horrific deeds (⊙…⊙ ) ( ̄∇ ̄") JustBeingMyself

    I think it's more that he just didn't want to kill her. It was her choice to remain in the temple beside XXC's remains.

    It's tragic because it is sadistic but therein lies a very twisted form of love.

    ... December 18, 2019 9:58 pm
    Well shit the hurts Kawaiineko❤namjoon

    Yup. That it did. I think his character warrents a more detailed exploration of his life. We just get snippets from flashbacks or short reminiscing. I want to read more about him.

    Mici Angels December 18, 2019 10:24 pm
    Haven't heard that song could you please give me a link. And also haven't seen (or read?) extra villainous friends. But it totally sounds like it warrents a check. ...

    It's Xue Yang's character song from Untamed, this video in the link has the lyrics (it's actually a dude singing). I'm pretty sure he's singing this to XXC and how he wants to fix his wrongs (return to the past) so they could continue living as they did before he was revealed https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vfUGIo7JKVg

    Villainus friends an extra after the novel finished. There's also an audio drama extra of it. This is the first time XY meets XXC and SL. Here's a link to the novel extra: https://exiledrebelsscanlations.com/gdc-chapter-118/

    ... December 19, 2019 8:16 pm
    It's Xue Yang's character song from Untamed, this video in the link has the lyrics (it's actually a dude singing). I'm pretty sure he's singing this to XXC and how he wants to fix his wrongs (return to the pas... Mici Angels

    Okay listening to this I would never have guessed that its a guy singing! But its so beautiful! Yea this is a song of his regrets yet he sings he doesn't want to spend his life in regret. It's truly beautiful and tragic.

    Thanks for the link. I across already have the novel added to my NU account but I haven't read it as yet unfortunately. Too much happening around right niw and I want to savour and enjoy this novel!

    Thank you for sharing both links though!