It's not a stupid question! A lot of people I've met actually never knew ants had a smell either (why were we talking about ants? Well, I like nature stuff so if you know me for long enough, the topic is sure to come around lol). So I did some research to make sure I'm not just spewing false info, but there are house ants that give off a smell that many, including me, may describe as smelling like blue cheese. (This is why I don't like blue cheese. It makes me feel like I'm eating ants :/) Also, ants give off a phermone when they die that lets the others know they are dead so that the others can be rid of their bodies. I'm not too sure if the death phermone is the cause for the smell or even if the smell is some sort to warning, but it's worth looking into some more.
Some articles!:
Oops! I think i sent an answer to your question without actually replying to you. Sorry! It's my first time commenting here so idk how it all works. Hope you get a notification for this and see the other comment then.
Also! Apparently, smelling ants is a genetic thing! So that might be why you and so many other people don't notice the smell. The more you know ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
I would hate to be in this raid cuz
1) Creepy crawlies make my skin crawl
2) These ants are scary as all heck
3) And dead ants smell terrible!
The smell of dead ants already plague my life as it now, so no thanks.