I re-read the manga and I just kept finding more and more details

SSilverbunny December 2, 2019 9:51 am

So it's confirmed that Mirror used to know Snow White when she was just a kid because Snow White called out "Ror" which is just short for "Mirror", also Smart once almost called mirror "Ror" so he also knew of this nickname and that he also might have worked for Snow White's dad because there was also a chapter were Smart said that Snow White was still "Cherished" which I guess that means he knew of her before, ALSO that explains why Snow White's mom had Mirror in the first place.

So I guess that since mirror doesn't approve of the red king which is Snow White's prince, he makes Snow White make Alice king which is more beneficial to him in more ways than one! But you probably could've figured all of this on your own, I also have some theories about the whole "Snow white having black hair but now it's white! And the reason why red king is in the Mirror world" but I could be totally wrong and none of them are solid. There's also one chapter where mirror was sitting near Snow White while she was covered in roses and unconscious, Dopey then said "I wanted to see snow white too" and that WAS CONFUSING AS HELL! Does that mean there's 2 snow whites? Because I think this happened when the 3 dwarfs went to Mirror land. also wtf is a time lapse?

    SSilverbunny December 15, 2019 1:23 am

    OH MY GOD I WAS RIGHT i was wrong in a few of them BUT I WAS RIGHT hehehehe. huge ego boost! I was kinda expecting Snow white to be dead but it still shocked me. (๑•ㅂ•)و✧