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Pidapipo December 1, 2019 4:35 am

Please tell me I’m not the only one neither cried nor had a heartache reading “10 years where I loved you the most”.

I’m very easy to be moved to tears and I cried countless times for other comics. Something just doesn’t connect, or I was turned off by the many comments that said they cried their heart out. The story is sad but it didn’t move me.

    honeycrisp December 1, 2019 6:08 am

    I couldn't even get past chapter 3 lol.. surprisingly, it didn't move me either even though I'm a softy & cry for everything.

    shui December 1, 2019 8:39 am

    oh yeah dw I didn't cry either. I just thought it was a pretty decent story. personally, I think that if the story is more about the ukes thoughts & struggles, it would've been sadder

    Usui December 1, 2019 9:04 am

    Hmm, I cried? Maybe it’s cause I read it in the middle of the night, but I think it’s just the thought of loving someone for more than a decade and being betrayed and casted just for work. Yea, it’s a pretty common story if you ask me, but I guess most people tried to put themselves on the uke’s shoes? Imagine being in love for that long, leaving everything for that person, sacrificing time and money because he didnt get to finish school, only to be left in the end, and what’s worse was that the seme acted like an ignorant bastard who was almight just cause he was working. Mehh, it kind of depicts reality, somehow?

    Pidapipo December 1, 2019 12:03 pm
    Hmm, I cried? Maybe it’s cause I read it in the middle of the night, but I think it’s just the thought of loving someone for more than a decade and being betrayed and casted just for work. Yea, it’s a pre... Usui

    I get the premise. It’s based on a novel that basically begs for tears so there’s no wonder why people feel sad reading it. But something about the story telling is just... flat. It doesn’t compliment the plot. Glad you enjoy it :)