Right?! Sora has legitimately done nothing wrong other than being more talented and hardworking than the MC. And imo, the talent is already offset by his physical disadvantage Literally his best skill as a pitcher is the control he has over his pitches, and control only comes with unbelievable amounts of hard work and practice.

Personally I don’t dislike him for being better, but for kind of pushing the Mc into being his catcher. I also don’t think the Mc wants to be a catcher, especially not his. I mean, he keeps repeating how he hates it. He’s talented as a catcher tho, so I just hope he gets over his trauma. I still hope he doesn’t give in, and becomes a good pitcher, but becoming known as a great catcher would also satisfy me as long as he’s happy. To me Sora seems a bit inconsiderate, pushy and fake. But aiming to be a catcher despite his small build, and practicing hard enough to get such good control over the ball makes him pretty admirable.

But he never pushed the MC into doing anything really. It was only the coach who pushed him into being a catcher. Sora was happy about that since he wanted to form a battery, but he never like went to the MC and told him to become a catcher or anything. Perhaps the MC not getting the position of the pitcher is something that made him feel cornered, but the position should go to the more qualified person anyways.
I can definitely see how Sora could be portrayed as inconsiderate and pushy, especially since he seems to be making an effort to get closer to someone who doesn’t really like him. But I think that’s really only because he just really likes the MC. Either way, I just don’t really understand why he is so hated.

Well, he does try to convince him at night during the training camp, talking about how great the position is, and how much he wants to be a battery, and how it’s like catch ball. But instead of becoming a catcher himself, he implies that Mc should. He also ignores him when he refuses to go to practice because he doesn’t want to be a catcher. But yeah, it’s mostly the coach forcing him, and Sora just being happy about forming a battery with Mc.

I love sora to be honest...u cant blame him because hes better than the mc...font get me wrong i love the mc too.....i like thec more than sora but i dont hate sora...i understand the mcs feelings tho because he worked years to be a pitcher to be like his dad then a new guy takes everything from him
I actually like sora a lot. Like, why should I hate him just because he’s more talented? There will always be more talented people than you in the world, you can’t just hate them for no reason. The mc has fun being a catcher so why does he wants to be a pitcher so much? Is that just because of his dad? If Sora was the MC i’m pretty sure you would hate on the other just because he’s jealous. But people can’t really understand characters other than the MC apparently(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ