They were together were happy fell in love an ex girlfriend came back trying to win him over he rejected her the FL proposed to him in a party when his ex girlfriend asked to dance with him there were some misunderstandings were she thought he still liked his ex gf but he rejected his ex gf in front of her the ex and other woman told him the fl father killed his parents she was pregnant and left him she had a car accident which looked like an accident but it was someone trying to kill her she survived had twins by herself and came back with a new name and powerful family she doesn’t tell him its her he recognizes her but she denies they sleep together he knows its her even if she denies the kids want to meet their father bad woman keep trying to find out if its her thts where we r right now
So I read this wen it was like only 10 chapter then I dropped it cuz it was a little too cliche for me....then I came back to read but I'm too lazy to read the whole thing...so anyone wanna tell me wat has happened so far... Thx~