The only way I would agree is if Akiu, Ran, and Ryou are in the same boat of fate. I don't think you should get away with dictatorship/slavery of others and multiple attempts of murder. And Ayu isn't to the same level however, she should be held responsible for human experimentation on a minor.
If you hold Ango to the death penalty, there are others who deserve punishment they have yet to receive. Those other four have not shown nearly the same amount of growth as him.
You can't say dictatorship/slavery is what is needed to survive, especially when the two in charge are highly resentful just like Ango. Ayu and Ryou's 'tests' were also highly unnecessary.

I wouldn't be surprised if Ango put Ayu up to experimenting on people. And he did far more than simply using a child as an experiment. Deliberately forcing kids into life threatening situations, using them as live bait, etc.
Also, I'm not absolving others of their sins, but what Ango did was far worse. And here's the thing that separates Ango from the others. They may have done bad things, but they did it for the "benefit" of the group. Yeah, their minds were warped from the training they went through, but there was always a reason behind it. Even Ryou trying to kill Hana and the others, he did it because her presence was affecting Ango. In his warped mind, he was getting rid of the problem for the groups benefit (he was wrong, bit there was still a reason). For Ayu, in her mind, she was using a child, who was pretty much worthless, had no training, and couldn't do anything or really contribute, to find working medicines and foods that would help the group as a whole.
But what benefit did Ango's actions contribute? Absolutely nothing other than to cause harm. He tortured, yes, tortured, Hana just because he wanted to. He made blatant attempts to deliberately work her to death, tried to rape her, and didn't lift a finger to save her when he could of have. This was nothing more than a desire to be cruel and evil to her. It didn't benefit him or anyone else in the least, and was purely and simply evil. And he still saw nothing wrong with is actions, and was even completely bewildered as to why his group and everyone else got mad a him and turned their backs on him because of his actions. Again, I fully acknowledge that Ryou and Ayu committed wicked acts as well, but in their brainwashed and warped minds, they were doing it for survival and for the group as a whole. Ango doesn't have that excuse. He was committing acts of evil simply because he wanted to and for no other reason.

You can't fully say Akio and Ran's decision in leadership came from the greater good when they literally beat their team members to keep them productive and brainwashed them into understanding "it was better" to keep them active. They show no remorse for their three years of dictatorship and have treated the others in similar disdain (though I will give them a pass on Semimaru stealing from them.) And no one will hold them accountable for their actions. No one.
Ayu didn't need permisson for experimenting. Hers is a lesser punishment but one she has also not been held accountable for. Ryou should have no excuse for "testing" the others on the boat when they were not hostile to them in any aspect and did not prevent them from anything he and Ango had planned. If he truly thought he was the grim reaper of the project, he needed to be around no one and be self sufficient. He goes off of only his own opinion and current opportunities to plot to kill others.
Ango at least understands he needs to repent. I am not excusing his attempt at rape and his torture of Hana because of his anger at the teachers who taught them nor am I excusing his treatment of Momotaro. He is by the end of the series choosing to distance himself from the others and taking on a role that could get him killed.
I think Natsu is a good match for him be a use she has been through a lot of growth and still learning. As Ryou points out, Ango is best suited for roles that have him leading others and making long-term plans. She knows enough the difference between right and wrong and is gaining the confidence to voice her opinion; further time under his instruction would do her a world of good. Semimaru, on the other hand, has only just started to mature and I don't see him growing much farther than he is now. She will outggrow him.
And if you hold the excuse that Ryou and Ayu were brainwashed and warped, then it should apply more so to Ango, who has PTSD from being saturated in a vat of his friends. He experienced that directly and it did indeed warp his sense of thinking. The greatest group decision of Summer A was killing their guide and no one will condone that based on the person he was around them. I don't think Summer A should have had guns, period. They all have psychological stress and yes, finding Shigeru fully intact was total BS. The author only did it so he could have closure like everyone else on the team when they watched/experienced their friends die. The whole team is F-ed up. But if you discount someone's actions from there, you should apply the same through them all.
And again, Akio and Ran don't have anything like that. They were spiteful towards the people who put them there and took it out on the people around them. Their treatment of others remains a loose end that irks me.

Yes, but you said it yourself, they were brainwashed into that way of thinking, that those were the kinds of things they needed to do to survive. But what Ando did to Hana was not part of survival in any way shape or form. It was nothing more than an act of evil. Even when he tried to literally work her to death, that wasn't work that "needed to be done", that was just an excuse for him to be able to abuse her because he wanted to. PSTD is NOT a reason or an excuse for his actions. What he did was a conscious act that he chose to do for no other reason than he wanted to.

And again, Ango knows he needs to repent. He knows he will never be forgiven by Hana herself and he realizes what he lost because of it. He is the only character with crimes who is doing so. No one else guilty of something is being held accountable nor feeling remorseful for their actions.
Akio and Ran were also intentionally cruel to their own team members and were so for a much longer amount of time. They weren't beating them the whole time, no, but they were oppressors. They did so as a middle finger to those that put them there who are no longer alive. By the end of the series, they go unpunished.
Ayu tested on Momotaro and only gets the minor distrust of Team Spring. She goes unpunished for her actions and even gets to pine for Aramaki. Ryou never actually killed anyone but has plenty of intent to kill. He tried to get rid of Hana; he doesn't get held accountable for that. He tried to kill the Team Summer B members with the sauna; it is spun as a lesson in caution.
I do not excuse Ango's actions. If he is to die a horrible death for what he has done, then so too should the rest who have also done something wrong. The fact you keep glossing over them just like everyone in the story doesn't make their crimes go away. They (except Ryou who stays with him intentionally) remain with the others almost like nothing happened. Ango feels remorse, which speaks much louder for his case than the rest. He realizes he is a problem/has a problem. He may succeed in fixing his behavior or he may become successful at giving the distance required. But he also thrives as someone with teachable skills and someone who appreciates effort. I think, if he doesn't die a horrible death like many have at sea, with his personal improvement, he would have value as a teacher. Not to children, because they won't trust him with that, but to adults.

I feel I have connected to the characters in both Summer teams more than the rest. I do feel for our poet in Spring team (in which I am too lazy to look up his name) who, in the ending, realizes he is a father and his child is one of the many none of them know how to awaken. His woman loved him enough to send him to the future with their child instead of herself.
I think we really don't get to feel more for the characters in Spring and Autumn because one team kinda coasts and the other was introduced in tyranny. Winter, well, I don't think anyone can hate our sole survivor. And the two other characters we do get to see fleshed out from the team are torn from us like they were torn from Aramaki.
I didn't care for Hana either but I didn't want her to die. I don't know what I would have wanted to happen to her. After she has that time with the boars and finds her fellow humans again (perhaps the only arc she was in I liked,) I just didn't care. I really liked her parents though: courage through the roof.
I was kind of okay with AngoxNatsuxSemimaru but if she just stays there, I feel like she's just settling on Semimaru. Maybe she will go with them when they bring the supplies back. Ango is a broken person healing up and Natsu is a person who has gone through an incredible amount of growth. Semimaru has his own strengths but he's more stagnant. I suppose it is more important for Natsu to connect to thirty people. I can't help but be conflicted though...
...Thankfully this isn't over yet. The author wouldn't stop without the ocean journey, right?