Just when I thought we humans have evolved beyond incivility, this comes up to shock me

Kaleidocat November 27, 2019 7:31 am

I guess I shouldn't be surprised. I'm not hating on Chinese by any means, but seriously, it fascinates me how backwards and sloppy their government can be with something that is akin to the dark ages. I'm sure even some Chinese would agree with me that the way they conduct searches and testimonials and arrests like this just on account of race is baffling. It makes me at the same time blessed that I live in a country like the U.S where at least there is some semblance of law and protection for people like her.

The funny thing about China is that it is a country that is competing tooth and nail to become number one in the spot of the world economy (well, it pretty much is already) even with so much corruption. However, when you actually take a look at how the people live, it is near poverty and cities are collapsing and going to ruin. There is more pollution there and its getting worse because the lack of environmental protection agencies there to regulate the amount of gas emissions. Naturally, with such backwards policies and poor maintenance into the welfare of its people, no wonder Chinese people's are leaving their own country. With an economically powerful country like China that is growing more and more to surpass us, it makes me scared for whats to come. If they get any more powerful, then that means that their views and prejudism will continue to increase and pass over into other countries.

All I wish for you guys is to spread love, stop being racist, and think about our actions and take the necessary care to pass on good knowledge to our children and the younger generations so that they can and will live in a better place. Thank you. REMEMBER: WE ARE MILLENIALS AND WE SHOULD BE MORE TOLERANT THAN OUR PAST PREDECESSORS!!!
