Nakyum’s feelings towards Seungho

Mayeeri November 25, 2019 11:50 pm

So firstly I restarted the manhwa from the beginning to have a clearer mind. I saw a lot of people down there claiming that Nakyum NEVER felt anything towards Seungho and I’m here to say my thoughts about it.

We going back at the first time Nakyum painted for Seungho, tbh everyone could see the sexuel tension between them, it’s even bc of it that one of the sex partener of SH got mad at him for not being focus on him. NK got excited after that and dreamt about SH.

The second time was with the red haired boy the tension between NK and SH was really heavy for everyone there. NK couldn’t even paint anything at this moment he kept make eye contact with SH he kinda felt bad about it and thought about his learned teacher. And it’s after that SH masturbated him.

What NK feels towards SH is a mixt of fear and luxure but since the fear is more presents he didn’t even realize the chemistry between then but it’s different for SH he felt that too and he’s more aware about luxure and after the r4pe scene his obsession with NK grew deeper.

Anyway so what I’m pointing at is that NK wasn’t totally emotional less towards SH even if it wasn’t love it was some sexual attraction that nobody couldn’t not see. What do yall think about it? Let’s discuss ^^

    donaa November 26, 2019 4:50 am

    I think most people got that point. But I also agree with them that Nakyum never felt anything. Sexual tension doesn’t count as feelings does it? Put it like this, 2 homosexual guys in their prime stuck in a small room with the smell of sex in the air and another third wheel (red haired guy) panting heavily, naked. It’s reasonable that Nakyum who’s still wet behind the ears to feel lust over such a dominating hot male. But the moment you splash cold water on the heat, he sobers. There’s no feelings. If a person had to have feelings involved each time they felt sexually attracted to another person then there would be no one- night stands.

    ♧ pepperypan ♧ November 26, 2019 12:14 pm

    I agree with their sexual tension in the earlier chapters but after the raws? I just can't see NK getting turned on by SH anymore without him experiencing emotional, mental and physical trauma. Imagine doing everything the master asked, against your will, but still being treated like literal shit? And SH acting like he 'cared' after hurting him?? I'd be pretty pissed if it was me

    (but it isn't. and this is yaoi. one miraculous plot twist from the author and i'm all aboard this ship again dang.)

    Mayeeri November 26, 2019 6:17 pm
    I think most people got that point. But I also agree with them that Nakyum never felt anything. Sexual tension doesn’t count as feelings does it? Put it like this, 2 homosexual guys in their prime stuck in a ... donaa

    Yeah that’s true but I think being sexually attracted to someone is also a feeling but ofc not the same one as being in love idk if it’s clear. But I agree with you

    Mayeeri November 26, 2019 6:20 pm
    I agree with their sexual tension in the earlier chapters but after the raws? I just can't see NK getting turned on by SH anymore without him experiencing emotional, mental and physical trauma. Imagine doing ev... ♧ pepperypan ♧

    I also agree with that that’s why I’m so excited to see what will happen next how all of this will develop, I really love how the story is going and I’m sure that Author-nim will not just make those Yaoi clichés, let’s see!

    MangaSanctuary November 27, 2019 1:01 am

    I think that what is clearly seen as attraction in both guys hides in fact deeper meanings (than simple carnal lust for the unknown). At least this is how some of us view them as we're here for romance.
    Though as Seungho and Nakyum are so stubborn in each their own way and blinded by their respective considerations of things, they're for the moment CLUELESS about the feelings that (may) grow between them.
    Seungho is clearly aware of this attraction being a person of lust, and he wants sex with NK as much as he can, while NK is completely in denial now about everything concerning Seungho after what happened.
    If the Lord was more, more subtul; treated the little dude much kindly and with patience, he would have his way with him, but not like this.
    Now the Lord knows that he really fucked things up between them.

    ♧ pepperypan ♧ November 27, 2019 6:05 am
    I think that what is clearly seen as attraction in both guys hides in fact deeper meanings (than simple carnal lust for the unknown). At least this is how some of us view them as we're here for romance.Though a... MangaSanctuary

    I definitely agree! If you just take away the fact that SH did horrible things to NK for a second (because I just can't behind it for real), NK has a very conservative mindset towards what is 'good'. It's the same definition as InHun's beliefs-- the homophobic, "you musn't do this and that, otherwise you're bad" type of thinking. Whereas SH is easily branded as the 'devil' or the 'don't go near him' guy. But ironically, he's more woke about his era's errors than most of these characters. He's very self-aware of societies' prejudices and seem to have an opinion of his own.

    Again, if the "questionable" scenes didnt happen (being vague so I don't spoil anything), I do think NK would eventually realize that 'goodness' isn't black and white. Goodness doesn't come from 'acting kind when everybody else is looking', like how InHun is. Goodness could come from the likes of Seungho, if you just hold your judgement about his nightly 'recreational' activities.

    This manhwa could've taken that route of redemption for SH but I'm guessing it won't. I have a feeling it's going down the darker route, not allowing the readers to sympathize with SH. Which is also very, very interesting in my opinion. Either way, this manhwa has got me hooked!

    Mayeeri November 27, 2019 3:55 pm
    I think that what is clearly seen as attraction in both guys hides in fact deeper meanings (than simple carnal lust for the unknown). At least this is how some of us view them as we're here for romance.Though a... MangaSanctuary

    it’s EXACTLY that!!

    afroluv November 28, 2019 6:15 am

    Seung Yoon is a bit of a narcissist...the proof is in how aroused he gets seeing himself in the erotic paintings and he fanboys over how Baek Nakym captures the moments. His and Baek's eyes connected many times while Yoon was sexing...Yoon looked at him as a modern day sex freak would stare at the mirrors around his bed and Baek, well I think Yoon called it--that Baek drew the scenes that aroused him the most. Sexual tension? Yes, but not necessarily due to sexual attraction for each other. Baek is 100% teaminhun and always has been. Yoon has misunderstood it all bc as a narcissist he thinks it is all about him--he made assumptions about the tension behind their eye contact, about Baek's sexual experience and about who Baek was really making love to (in his mind) the night he lost his virginity.

    Mayeeri November 28, 2019 9:09 am
    Seung Yoon is a bit of a narcissist...the proof is in how aroused he gets seeing himself in the erotic paintings and he fanboys over how Baek Nakym captures the moments. His and Baek's eyes connected many times... afroluv

    I get your point but tbh I don’t agree with all of this. Firstly yeah Seungho is a narcissist I think we all agree with that but saying that there wasn’t any attraction between them it’s not true for me.

    When he took nakyum virginity when he looked at his face he truly felt that. I think he is really attracted to nakyum and not just his self idk how to put it?? During their first time he was "taking care" of nakyum it wasn’t just about his own self he wanted nakyum to enjoy as him, something that he didn’t care with the red haired man. We can see his "care" during the second r4pe scene when he noticed that nakyum wasn’t into to it we clearly see that he wasn’t satisfied so it’s not just about him and his pleasure.

    afroluv November 28, 2019 1:03 pm
    I get your point but tbh I don’t agree with all of this. Firstly yeah Seungho is a narcissist I think we all agree with that but saying that there wasn’t any attraction between them it’s not true for me. ... @Mayeeri

    Your original post focused on Baek's view/feelings toward Yoon that was what I was responding to in my post. The sexual attraction Yoon felt for Nakym is real, I agree. It started around the time he was playing poem keep-away for him. Yoon's narcissism couldn't accept Baek placed inhun on a higher level. Yoon then started to become infatuated with Baek at that point- wondering what this strange fellow was thinking. When Sihwa started taking an interest too it actually encouraged Yoon to be into Baek more. Yeah Yoon was gentle in how he took Baek and for that time together he played the role of a lover not a fkbuddy (as he was with sihwa). I don't think Yoon would have made the first move on him beyond jerking him off in that previous chapter BUT now after having tasted the emotional pleasure of making love with the physical pleasure off climax, Yoon wants to make the painter his.