Looks like there is still a chance for the MC to be happy, which is great. Although, I'm w...

Anonymous November 25, 2019 9:40 pm

Looks like there is still a chance for the MC to be happy, which is great. Although, I'm wondering if the ML knows about the baby.

Also, I feel uncomfortable with the Doc and the Blue haired girl's scenes. It feels like she's being forced, but I can't tell if that's due to the art style, or if she actually doesn't like him.

    Hattiert November 29, 2019 5:46 pm

    Doc has always had power over her to hide her illness. On top of that he used her fear of not becoming pregnant AND keeping her illness quiet to get her to conceive with him. Now he blackmails her with all of this to continue having sex with her. He’s a disgusting dirtbag.