
Charizma November 25, 2019 12:07 pm

I keep loosing interest in this one. Gonna read the next chapter after that if nothing has happend I am just gonna scrap it. It's annoying enough that EVERYONE has the hots for him ( does he have chocolate nipples or something?) He isn't all that to begin with and the fact it's all about ppl fighting over this boring guy is ridiculous!

    Hattiert November 25, 2019 6:54 pm

    I’ve been saying the same thing, but each new chapter leaves me with just enough interest to go to the next one, lol.

    Shindere November 27, 2019 7:36 am

    You can say the same thing to all the f@cking Yaoi porn story out there. The only difference is that this one doesn't have any sex scene in it. Which I much prefer because I'm more of a comedy person.