Yeah, I think you should read it. I also wasn't sure about it when I started reading since I didn't like few first episodes but it's fluffy and funny and overall great. It could count as a slowburn, we don't really see much happening with boys' relationships but you get attached to them quickly, they're all loveable fools. You should try and see for yourself, maybe you'll like it, just wanna warn you, don't expect any scenes that show some real gigantic progress in relationship of main characters, just try to see story for them as very funny teens and not boys in real relationship where everything is romantic and put together.
I hope it all makes sense as I don't speak English as first language and I'm quite young, didn't get to know this beautiful language as much as I would like to.
Salutations, sending love~

You should totally read it! Out of all the BL I've EVER read, this is by far my absolute favorite. It has 309 chapters but each one is really short with only about 8 pages, signalling "One Day" of their life.
The scenes are really worthwhile, it's made me cry, and other times it's made me so happy I could die. I don't know how the author does it, but after every chapter I just anticipate more.
It's more slowburn but it's always got you itching for more. You won't regret it at all. I think most people are reluctant to start reading it, I was as well but once I started I couldn't get enough.
This man(wha?) has 309 chapters and I assume more ;-; is it worth reading? What's the format of it and are there worthwhile scenes? Is it slowburn or a good pace?