brownmochamocha123 November 21, 2019 2:48 pm

Hey gamers, I need to find this fucked up manga that my friend decided to tell me and now I’m intrigued and i wanna know
So it goes something like this: SPOILERS AHEAD

So this 6 year old girl was celebrating her birthday with her parents and then after that, her parents told her to go inside a box, like a big box that fits her, and said that she has to stay with her uncles until she was seven (so basically inly for one year), so she was locked in the box and couldn’t see nothing but darkeness. So then the ‘uncles’ arrived and she was starving cuz they left her there for a day, so they took her out of the box and fucked her relentlessly, she was given food but the men just peed on it. This went on and on and on, however she had hope. She was like “it’s ok, once i turn seven, my parents will come to me and everything will be alright”. So she was inside the box again and there’s this like this small opening where u can peak through, this is so that the reader of the manga will be able to see it from the outside as well. Anyways, the little light showed like marks and scratches— these were actually tally marks on how many days she’d stayed in that hell hole, and in the end if the story, u can see that she’s been there for about 1000 plus days already. Like bitch, she’s been there for more than 1 year, her parents never came back for her so they technically sold her to old men to be used and abused. And the story ends there, and i can’t stop thinking about it. So if u guys have any idea please please comment it down below. Thank uu

    kamisama November 21, 2019 2:57 pm

    Ahh I've read this before but I don't remember either

    brownmochamocha123 November 21, 2019 4:08 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! Gobe

    Holy mf shit thank uu probs wouldn’t be able to sleep 2nite be ause of this

    Deuiche November 21, 2019 4:09 pm

    What the fuck this is a hentai I was into when I was just into before.

    kamisama November 21, 2019 5:02 pm


    lovvlai November 21, 2019 5:27 pm

    holy shiz, that was scary