I wish I could've liked this reply. Also @sashka_takahashi how he isn't monogamous? I don't think you know what monogamy and polygamy is. They're exclusively in a romantic relationship with each other. None of them having any affair beside the relation. None of them fucking other people for their satisfaction or lust. It's his job ffs. And Edd clearly knew what he was going into. He knew very well what his partner does, and I highly doubt he expected him to quit his job.

Well, I guess there must be a definition of monogamy and polygamy out there. However, my personal definition is: we sleep only with each other. End of story. I would not be able to deal with my partner being a porn star. That is just my personal opinion. I'm not saying there is anything wrong with people being polygamous or being porn stars. I'm just saying my personal opinion and feelings are the following: no sleeping with others, no kissing others, no flirting, no PDA, nothing. Hence, rooting for Chang.

If that's your preference why did you even bother started reading a manga that is about people who works for porn industry? Literally one of the protagonist is working in porn industry. And the real life people who works in the porn industry maintain their job and relation at the same time. They don't just quite like that .
Also you think Cheng, a criminal, who is trapping Edd to do crime, also the main reason as to why Edd had to do porn, is better than a person who is just doing his 'legal' job? And can't you see how uncomfortable Edd is around Cheng? Still? People has different preference I know, but some preference really is unpleasant.
And lastly, you can not give something like Polygamy, Monogamy a 'definition' by yourselve. That's like saying , "I know Bi sexual has a definition, but from my own point of view the definition is this or that." It is what it is. And I'm pretty sure the main couple gonna stay together, not 100%sure but positive. So if you are really not into anything other than uncomplicated couple, I would suggest dropping the Manga. It'll save your time, and you can find something that you actually love reading. Of course it's your choice what you will choose to do, but just a suggestion. Thank you for listening to Ted talk. Tata.
I stopped liking Glenn after the whole 'I can't do monogamous thing, I'll keep doing porn'. Bye bye, Glenn. You go, Chang