*murders people right in front of her and almost kills her brother that she’s obsessed with* “BuT He’S tHe OnLy OnE WhO SeEs Me As I aM” *Constantly threatening and murdering people in front of her*“hEs So hAndSoMe” “hE cAlLeD mY NaMe” Bitch, you didn’t even know your own name in this world !!!! How can you feel anything ?!?!? So freaking stupid
*murders people right in front of her and almost kills her brother that she’s obsessed with*
“BuT He’S tHe OnLy OnE WhO SeEs Me As I aM”
*Constantly threatening and murdering people in front of her*
“hEs So hAndSoMe” “hE cAlLeD mY NaMe”
Bitch, you didn’t even know your own name in this world !!!! How can you feel anything ?!?!? So freaking stupid