I slept in school most of the times, because school was such a boring place for me, not because i didn't like learning, i actually always liked learning about new stuffs, but because it was slow. I could learn in 5 minutes by reading myself what they took 1 hour to teach in class, i really hated that.

Acctually I used to sleep (quite a bit. . .) in class, and I think I only ever got caught by one teacher who knew me pretty well. All the other teachers I had throughout school didn't know I was sleeping whether I was right in front of the class, in the back of the class or somewhere in between. And if they did notice they didn't seem to care. I always got pretty decent grades so that could be a part of it as well. I think the most memorable sleeping experience was in my first class of the day- English with a strict teacher, but I sat a foot from her desk and never got caught sleeping despite her having given other kids detention for sleeping in her class. I don't know what to think. Seems almost like a fake story after having typed everything >_>.

Actually I used to sleep (quite a bit. . .) in class, and I think I only ever got caught by one teacher who knew me pretty well. All the other teachers I had throughout school didn't know I was sleeping whether I was right in front of the class, in the back of the class or somewhere in between. And if they did notice they didn't seem to care. I always got pretty decent grades so that could be a part of it as well.
I think the most memorable sleeping experience was in my first class of the day- English with a strict teacher, but I sat a foot from her desk and never got caught sleeping despite her having given other kids detention for sleeping in her class. I don't know what to think. Seems almost like a fake story after having typed everything >_>.
My school wasnt exactly forgiving about sleep either- like not to got of topic, but I do lack a presence so that could play a part in my ability to not get caught. Then again- I also wake up quickly enough to pass as awake when I was really sleeping. Maybe saeki and I have been blessed with the same sleep powers I guess xD
In my school everyone is always looking at each other and even if you're in the back people around you would notice and then the whole class does. I've only seen two people why whole life asleep in class and they always get caught. We also don't have much idea of what were gonna learn so we cant study ahead of time