I give it a meh...

Pocketed Barbie boys November 17, 2019 9:50 am

Seeing the comments, I honestly was looking forward to it. But I got bored half way through the story, though I did manage to finish it.. reluctantly. The plot was repetitive. It seemed like a one on one battle between mother and son with either party taking turns to win. The side characters are bland, super interesting. The main characters are boring. Character development is lacking for both these characters, it feels as though these two people are so wrapped up with each other and the whole plot revolves only around this two. All these side characters who we thought had a story was just being extras. They were not pivotal in the story at all. It could have gone on without them actually. I'm not gonna talk about the ending because it's pretty obvious that the author just wanted to end it. The worst kind of ending is when you resolve it by going back to square 1.

    Pocketed Barbie boys November 17, 2019 9:52 am

    What I meant to say was 'uninteresting'

    Tsukino November 17, 2019 4:12 pm
    What I meant to say was 'uninteresting' Pocketed Barbie boys

    I absolutely agree!

    Wild Lynx November 21, 2019 7:00 am

    So agree with you. End so rushed like the author didn’t give a s**t about closure and giving it a proper ending. I felt I was going in circles when reading going back to the same point without furthig developing the plot nor closing off the crimes committed by that woman...like wtf, let’s just spit out everything and speed up things...THE END.

    This was not very “Merry” for my taste...Σ(-_-๑)

    jellyjojikwon November 22, 2019 8:41 pm

    IKKKK ┗( T﹏T )┛
    she was srsly such a good character, everyone should understand that she deserved that love so much