You're not the only one. I was so disappointed when that happened. It's so hard to find mangas with cute tops and I was so happy when Haemin who looked so much like stereotypical bottom became the top. And then bam! His cuteness gone, he transformed into a full-on stereotypical top in unrealistic timeframe. Bruh. Now I feel like I'm reading about a different person (even his personality has changed).

Its his change in the literary sense. The story would be no interesting if there was no change. If you go to school remember they teach you about realizing change, the archetype, and then to the theme? Even if it seems drastic, the change in looks were maybe a puberty, but also art style, and aslo he grew bigger physically as well as mentally. He gained more confidence over time, that is his literary change
Am I the only one bothered by Haemin's 1-month glow up????? Like, it's so disturbing to see him, who was looking so much like an uke, with thin , short body and a baby face be all buffed up , dominant af and with a strong jawline. IN Just 1 month. ヽ(`Д´)ノ