Roses are red
"that's gay," they said
but violets are blue
and I'm only gay for u
Look at that cock
writers say musk is its smell
but whether it's good
we'll need to fuck to tell
If this was yaoi
we'd fuck till i fell
but just because its not
doesn't mean this isn't BL
Maybe we'll try
but how can I know
cuz you're too busy
takin it slow
Rough and hard
that's what they say
but then this won't last
and we can't do it all day
a love poem this is
but I won't specify the kind
Just give this to a person
who's cock u want in ur behind

I had once saw a sun
Endlessly shining through.
And made the shadow inside
Vanish like it wasn't really there.
I made a move to get closer,
Closer that sometimes I get hurt.
But I saw the smile I have when I saw
You and continued to be nearer to get you.
Someday the shine dimmed,
And I worry that you will be lost.
That I hurriedly close to you,
Even when the obstacles are much harder.
And you let your shine shimmer again,
A shine full of joy that directed onto me.
And now that shine wont hurt me.
Because even if it does, atleast I once have you.
Lol this is on the spot.
So are anyone good at makin poem
Can anyone write about love poem Coz im bored juz wanna read some original talent here