Hm.. not necessarily. A person would need that physical attraction first, to increase and keep the interest. But what really will make it last is his/her personality. Like yeaahh he has a good face but hes narcissistic af and always brags about himself and expects you to feed their ego and cater to them. you wont enjoy it. (most 7-10/10 ppl are like this, ive dated several or i just have bad type lol! ) But find a man who is decently looking but makes effort for you, even if you dont like him yet, you might or might take advantage because you have your own personality and wills. XD
People masquerade. They can be kind on the first months of your relationship and change back to their habits. Personality shrines thru. Just takes time to know it. And some dont wanna bother, so quick route!
Not really sure I like the protag after dissing the manager when he was younger, what a douche lol. His siblings are so adorable though.