Kageyama's hair... now I'm curious with the others hairstyles like Bokuto & Kuroo

KageHina November 9, 2019 7:12 am

Kageyama's hair... now I'm curious with the others hairstyles like Bokuto & Kuroo

    Akino_Yonaga November 9, 2019 9:31 am
    This reply will be showed after approved! akiaaa

    Kuroo and Bokuto with their hair down and dressed up as salarymen, I can't

    sinnaboi November 9, 2019 2:40 pm
    Kuroo and Bokuto with their hair down and dressed up as salarymen, I can't Akino_Yonaga

    bruh the day we see that it's either gonna be nothing like them and we act like we dont know them, they look hella weird and we still act like that's not them or we're all suddenly pregnant as if we're already all aren't from these bunch of selection of fine men thrown at our faces

    Tod.a.she November 9, 2019 2:43 pm
    bruh the day we see that it's either gonna be nothing like them and we act like we dont know them, they look hella weird and we still act like that's not them or we're all suddenly pregnant as if we're already ... sinnaboi

    Omg haha. The day we see old bokukuro I think we’re all dead