Damn, these comments are getting worse each time a new chapter is released. Ya’ll clown ass bitches are so fuckin’ ridiculous. “It’s just an webtoon!” “It’s not real!” “Don’t take it seriously!” Are you kidding me? So, you think the creator just pulled the idea out of their ass and made it into a story? This stuff ACTUALLY happens to people. Just because Jihyun is ‘misunderstood’ DOESN’T excuse his actions! I won’t be surprised if his ways don’t change, that’s how it be sometimes. Ya’ll comments just allow us others to see what you’ll allow someone to do or say just because their “hot”. I can’t—
Bitch please, just say you like abusers and manipulators and go on about your sorry ass life. I can't believe you had the TIME and AUDACITY to reply with some BULLSHIT like this. I based it off real life becaus... gnarlybastard
I wasn’t bothered to read all of this but I will say yeah, I like abusers...and rape.
Damn, these comments are getting worse each time a new chapter is released. Ya’ll clown ass bitches are so fuckin’ ridiculous. “It’s just an webtoon!” “It’s not real!” “Don’t take it seriously!” Are you kidding me? So, you think the creator just pulled the idea out of their ass and made it into a story? This stuff ACTUALLY happens to people. Just because Jihyun is ‘misunderstood’ DOESN’T excuse his actions! I won’t be surprised if his ways don’t change, that’s how it be sometimes. Ya’ll comments just allow us others to see what you’ll allow someone to do or say just because their “hot”. I can’t—