
Potaku November 4, 2019 8:50 am

Am I the only one that this manga is really stale. Like it's so 2D without any dept to any of the characters. Like it's not bad but with type of rating I was kinda expecting more.

    BlackManju November 6, 2019 12:19 am

    i liked reading it a lot but i agree ( ̄∇ ̄")
    the characters aren't completely stereotypes but i feel like they have 1.5 personality traits (⊙…⊙ )
    this is not a manga to get really invested in, it's more of a light read

    MeowCat November 6, 2019 12:43 am

    Hmmm, I know what you mean.
    I think the problem is the author has spent all their time furthering the plot instead of developing the characters. As someone that reads way too much of this stuff I could see from a mile away that she got brainwashed in the first chapter and that that and her groupmates would have to be dealt with at some point later in the story. Also obvious was the fact that even though her goal was to get home she would instead fall in love with Kaido and continue to travel with him. Well, we're at chapter 8 and ... all that has happened already. The time that should have been spent building up the characters and their relationships was instead spent moving the plot along. It didn't even need to move that quickly. Weren't they supposedly traveling for months to get to her home town? Surly the author could have squeezed in a chapter of them sitting at the camp fire and flirting.
    Though I guess that now that all the plot points have been solved we might get some character development.