Bad Japanese Culture Assumptions

Damn D~A~K~U Katsuki November 3, 2019 9:55 pm

Bad Japanese Culture Assumptions Based on Yaoi:

- All men are either gay or can be turned gay
- If you get on a train in Japan you WILL be molested
- Getting with your rapist is a totally sane, natural occurrence
- 12 y/o kids are apparently capable of sex appeal in Japan
- Newlywed ukes dress exclusively in aprons and nothing else
- Japanese men are apparently capable is self-lubrication according to some mangaka
- Public sex is not obvious in Japan
- Mixers are where men go to sit next to and molest smaller men
- There are absolutely not logistics to having gay sex outside of a shower and MAYBE some lube (if you aren't self lubricating) if you are a man in Japan.
- Foreigners are ALWAYS touchy feely have NEVER have any concept of person space.

Did I miss anything?

    raindragon June 30, 2020 6:41 am
    They were speaking for themselves. They are every right not to engage with you. You don’t get to force someone to have a discussion with you. No one is trying to censor or bully you, you paranoid weirdo. It�... grisfox

    the idea of cultural appropriation is not only stupid, it's divisive and manipulative, and leads to separation at a time when we need unity.