- All men are either gay or can be turned gay - If you get on a train in Japan you WILL be molested - Getting with your rapist is a totally sane, natural occurrence - 12 y/o kids are apparently capable of sex appeal in Japan - Newlywed ukes dress exclusively in aprons and nothing else - Japanese men are apparently capable is self-lubrication according to some mangaka - Public sex is not obvious in Japan - Mixers are where men go to sit next to and molest smaller men - There are absolutely not logistics to having gay sex outside of a shower and MAYBE some lube (if you aren't self lubricating) if you are a man in Japan. - Foreigners are ALWAYS touchy feely have NEVER have any concept of person space.
They were speaking for themselves. They are every right not to engage with you. You don’t get to force someone to have a discussion with you. No one is trying to censor or bully you, you paranoid weirdo. It�... grisfox
the idea of cultural appropriation is not only stupid, it's divisive and manipulative, and leads to separation at a time when we need unity.
Bad Japanese Culture Assumptions Based on Yaoi:
- All men are either gay or can be turned gay
- If you get on a train in Japan you WILL be molested
- Getting with your rapist is a totally sane, natural occurrence
- 12 y/o kids are apparently capable of sex appeal in Japan
- Newlywed ukes dress exclusively in aprons and nothing else
- Japanese men are apparently capable is self-lubrication according to some mangaka
- Public sex is not obvious in Japan
- Mixers are where men go to sit next to and molest smaller men
- There are absolutely not logistics to having gay sex outside of a shower and MAYBE some lube (if you aren't self lubricating) if you are a man in Japan.
- Foreigners are ALWAYS touchy feely have NEVER have any concept of person space.
Did I miss anything?