But here’s the thing, if you rate something, the little “add this manga to my space” automatically pops up. Even in you click the rating stars by themselves, the little “add this...” thingy will always pop up. And with that pop up, they also automatically fill in one of the “want to read”, “now reading”, “already read” thing. You can’t unselect them and you have to have at least one of those sections selected in order for your rating to go through. Trust me, I’ve been on this site for a while and have tried numerous occasions on both mobile and desktop. Unless there’s some nuanced method, I don’t think you can rate something without subscribing. Of course I could be wrong but honest I’ve tried a lot of things

Oh the thingy I was taking about (the preselected “want to read” “reading” “already read”) can also be seen on your image as well. It’s selected at “Now Reading”. Do you wanna try unselecting that? Maybe it’s just my account that requires you to select as least one. And since it requires at least one selection, if I do select it, it will make me notified if there’s a update. The only way I can unsubscribe is if I don’t have one of the selections filled out (or if I don’t have it in a list I think). And if I don’t have a section filled out, I can’t rate.
I just wanna know if there is a place where we can make suggestions for the site. Not that this site is terrible or anything, but there are aspects of it which I think might be best to look into. Like when you star a story, regardless of the rating you gave, it will appear on your notifications. So if I hated a story so much that I gave it a one star, I still would see that story in my notifications which sucks. Or there’s this “follow” at the bottom of the comments and once pressed, you can’t unfollow it. I heard there’s the same issue with tags.