Curious as to what happened to the original host...

Aoi!~ October 31, 2019 3:23 am

Curious as to what happened to the original host...

    Don;t Mind this Weeb November 1, 2019 10:02 pm

    He probably died

    Aoi!~ November 2, 2019 4:40 am

    Lol, probably unfortunately

    miks12 November 28, 2019 9:26 am

    no, he will return later in the chapters

    chuu~ <3 December 3, 2019 8:25 am
    no, he will return later in the chapters miks12

    seriously? how do you know? raws?

    miks12 December 3, 2019 10:21 am
    seriously? how do you know? raws? chuu~ <3

    I saw in raws. Forget the site, later in that chapter the original host will return. Like basically 2 souls in one body. Hehehe

    Romash September 30, 2020 1:52 am

    You will see in the chapters i will upload, it will take time, but they should be all up to date in under a month, you have alot to catch up to :)