The uke made terrible decisions and acted VERY shittily but a lot of that can be attributed to the fact that his father is VIOLENTLY homophobic. He didn’t want to genuinely get involved w the seme; he wanted an idyllic First and Last Time, so that he could live peacefully in the closet. Feelings can be complicated, and being a flake is redeemable. Rape, on the other hand..

This rape thingy is very confusing to me even tho I'm a woman. Like if someone consents you in the beginning, then after sex, they take back the consent, is it considered sex? Then how can you know and prevent that ? And then if someone said no at the beginning, then after that they are ok with it, then is it still rape ? I read some documents my university gave me, they said consent can be given after. And I'm so confused

If AFTER sex they take back the consent, it's not the fault of the person who fucked them, are they some kind of a physic to know that they will change their mind later on? Lol? And if they say no BEFORE the sex and the person still does it, it is considered rape, even after the person who got fucked says it was good.

Thank you for not only insulting my intelligent but also trying to make yourself superrior. I'm asking questions because this idea is new to me, is it so hard just to want to know something? You don't have to answer me if my question annoyed you so much just to insult me. I'm asking because I have seen people who use "was raped" as their weapon and to take benefit of that and I have seen many people confused about sexual harassment / verbal harassment with rape. I find the definition was very vague and I want to make it's clear. Just like when I have sex then regretted it, I can take my consent back and scream rape. Or when I'm drunk, have sex ( which people said I can't give consent) and later on I'm ok with, yet you can still blame someone I have sex with during that period raped me. This is nothing related to the manga, but this is very confusing. I'm not going to argue with you tho, because not matter what I say, you will just find something to insult me. so Bye

@scarletofmagic You got salty real quick, when I was writing that I wasn't trying to annoy you, I just wrote it down cause come on now, it's common sense, also do you even know what superiority means? don't just use it in the simplest things, kid.
And you really sound like you're traumatized about someone insulting you, well get over yourself.
Why is everyone booing only the seme?
I mean yes, he raped the uke bc in the end it turned out the way that uke didn't want it BUT can we talk about the trashy uke for a bit?
He played with seme's feelings, said he wants to have sex (both times!), suddenly changes his mind in the middle and then screams "rape" afterwards. I mean wth?
So if you say that the seme raped the uke physically, you also have to consider that the uke raped the seme psychologically.