Is communication and making friends really that necessary at high school? I want to be co...

Communication October 29, 2019 3:16 pm

Is communication and making friends really that necessary at high school?
I want to be confident. I'm a really quiet person in my school, I'm not very good at taking the first step and starting a conversation. You see, I don't think communicating with my classmates is too necessary. I don't get bullied anymore but some of my classmates used to have a terrible behavior. My class was used to known as the worst class in the entire school. They cursed, talk back, argue, backstabed (a lot) at people. from 5th - 7th grade. It was hell. I felt left out and decided to change classes. There I found quiet respectful people like me, although I didn't really talk, I felt safe in a classroom for the first time in a few years. Plot twist: due to shortage of students, at 10th grade, they decided to put our classes together. Now I'm forced to sit with those same people that just watched and did nothing while I was being bullied and ridiculed. I don't want to be their friends in a million years. Most of my classmates and I don't share the same tastes in anything. They like making lesbian jokes or talking about celebrity crushes. Yet, I feel like someone's pushing me and telling how I should somehow communicate with them, even though I don't want to

    LiXii October 29, 2019 3:32 pm

    I can say for myself that I am a confident person, in academics and communicating by myself that is. I only have limited number of friends and the true friends for me are even more scarce. I can cope up as long as I am with them. But sometimes, they get toxic and dont help me. So yeah what to do. Im happy enough to be able to cope up.

    My point is you dont have to be the most sociable person in the world. As long as you help those in need, Im sure that they will like, or even love, you. But dont let them depend on you too much, they might get toxic too. Depending on you all the time

    But this is just for myself, idk about others though (=・ω・=)

    Kira-san October 29, 2019 3:34 pm

    i think making a friend or two aint something bad...they could help you when ure being bullied or give youu some motivations and stuff ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭.....ive got friends but some of em doesnt share the same interest like i do..but we talk we laugh we tease peps and not saying to JUST CHANGE or anything im saying that u should find a dependable partner, but be extra careful cause the world has many back stabbing bitches and two faced um goodluck ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶〜〜

    Kira-san October 29, 2019 3:40 pm
    I can say for myself that I am a confident person, in academics and communicating by myself that is. I only have limited number of friends and the true friends for me are even more scarce. I can cope up as long... LiXii

    yeah i agree with @Lixii dont let em be too comfortable by you being helpful and stuff cause that "too much" will be "soo much"....too tired to type so i hope you understand
    (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜

    Emanon October 29, 2019 3:56 pm

    Hi there,
    Personally I think communicating with people is quite important. The thing is just to remember that communicating and be friend are two very different matters. You do not have to fake friendship, however having at least neutral relationship with others will allow you to be safer than if they don't talk to you at all. Plus, communicating doesn't mean change yourself and adopt behavior which isn't yours
    (sorry for this bad english i hope my ideas are understandable)

    Anonymous October 29, 2019 4:26 pm

    Communication becomes more important later on. It's a loooooong ways away, but your job might require it as well. So it's good to start practicing in high school. If you can find one or two people who aren't jerks, I would at least become acquainted with them. You do not have to become close friends at all. Start small, like asking about an assignment.

    Anonymous October 29, 2019 4:33 pm

    Let me tell u that I was in ur exact same shoes but I did something so bad and I don’t want u to do the same.
    It is just my personal experience, other may or may not agree... but I hope that it would bring u some info about what could happen either way .

    I was the same quiet nerd, no friends but I wasn’t really bothered in middle school. My cousin came from abroad and helol started because my cousin was the kind of popular everyone would love to be friends with. At first I get lonely because me and my cousin were so close before she moved to another country and then in high school she was so popular that everyone she’d her for having a cousin like me and she literally and I quote “we aren’t attached by a rope” cut ties with me.

    Her new friends were with me since kindergarten and like u said, they were bullying others, the popular punch, pretty girls, everybody’s crushes, the athletes and so on, they loved my cousin and honestly ?? They fit each other so well, but the thing is, I was always alone and they never really bullied me, in fact at some point in middle school we were forced to hang out a bit and I really liked one of them, sighhhh .....

    I did a fatal mistake, I changed my quiet calmly demeanor and tried to copy my cousin because I was in hella bullying pressure, I don’t know if I wanted to get out of the bullying circle or if I wanted to be popular because it is nice to be loved by everyone I do admit and I was going through puberty and was stupid to make that decision ..
    GOSH O REGRET THIS SO SO SO SO SO MUCH, it made things wayyyyyy worse and literally all my confidence went to ashes, I lost myself, my respect to myself, everything was fake, I was so mad and sad all the time, I was more lonely because I was expecting so much, I really distorted myself so much that up to this day I can’t go back to my old self, I miss my old self so much....

    Listen famm, never change for anyone, never seek approval from anyone but yourself, people come and go TRUST ME, no one lasts for anyone, yes relationships are so important but u can only be present fully ina relationship if u r urself, nothing wrong with u, don’t be pressured by shit, don’t, stay calm, stay present, people who matter will come to u and everything happens naturally. Nothing ever comes forced in relationships worth human beings or else it will be repulsive... trust me please, it is up to u but never make that mistake,, I am not talking about changing bad habits, I’m talking about changing urself, ur demeanor, ur approach, u r perfect like u r, as long as u don’t feel fake, as long as u feel urself in everything u do, u will be happy and content, maybe I am talking like that because it hurts faking things and not knowing urself anymore that everything feels fake... and I lost my most precious academic goal in the process although I was too in class always... I regret everything about high school and it was all my fault

    Those group of people separated, I know it might not seem like it but high school friends or colleagues ? We don’t see them in college at all, except who have the same major or college as u. They might seem like eternal friendship but nah trust me, in college people are more mature and as long as u r true and not fake u will attract the right people .

    I’m sad and I wish someone told me that before tbh, I wish but I can’t change a thing and I don’t want to force my opinion but take from my experience whatever u would want to take, be it that u could do both but never let go of ur academic goals? Be it whatever .... just know that someone like u did this and regretted it after. And I was all my fault.

    I hope I can get back to my old self, long process till o feel present and not fake. Very long process and I repeat the same mistakes ... I hope u will always be happy and content wherever u are .
    Peace to u fellow soul

    Anonymous October 29, 2019 5:20 pm

    I agree with Emanon: having friends and having communication skills are two separate matters. You don't need to become friends with everyone you talk to.

    Anonymous October 29, 2019 7:46 pm

    Thank you everyone.

    Lennon October 29, 2019 7:51 pm
    Let me tell u that I was in ur exact same shoes but I did something so bad and I don’t want u to do the same.It is just my personal experience, other may or may not agree... but I hope that it would bring u s... @Anonymous

    Damn I want to meet you

    Anonymous October 30, 2019 2:47 am

    I would love to ⁄(⁄ ⁄·⁄ω⁄·⁄ ⁄)⁄

    Anonymous October 30, 2019 2:47 am
    Damn I want to meet you Lennon

    I would love to ⁄(⁄ ⁄·⁄ω⁄·⁄ ⁄)⁄