A “trigger” is a simple way of saying that remembering a traumatic event makes u feel bad. Trauma is like a tree, it branches off. It’s not a matter of just avoiding thinking about the event. You could smell a cologne that ur rapist used and be reminded of the event. Many leaves (these would be things that remind you of the trauma) lead to the tree itself (this would be the memory of the trauma) and you react IN THAT MOMENT, to the resurfaced memory. I don’t think this is a terribly hard concept to grasp. Something so clearly and commonly connected to the trauma of rape, LITERALLY A RAPE SCENE, would have the ability to be triggering (to create a reaction in the moment, bc it reminds of a traumatic event)

You explained your view very well, and I understand, but people get carried away. If someone says something that "triggers" them, they haves a good way of blaming their emotions on other people. That's wrong, factually and morally. People have a lot more control over their feelings than they believe.
More control, though, means taking more responsibility for our own feelings instead of believing that other people and things have power over us, and instead of making other people into "bullies" who can "trigger" us.
That tree of memories you refer to doesn't have to be the explanation, in the moment, of why we're feeling a certain way. Memories aren't feelings.
That said, I understand that people are more complex than this conversation we're having, which is an interesting one.

What kind of bullshit are you saying... You don't have any knowledge about how the brain handles traumas. You know, people can see a rape scene and have a panic attack on the row, cause, you know, it's triggering.
Traumas, especially rape (which is a kind of torture), are not just "bad memories". That's not it. They can have serious repercussions on the brain and the body. Ask victims with PTSD. I can assure you that a sight, a view, can make a person just lose her shit, like seriously.
And that's not their fault. That's not cause they can't handle their memories, or mix them with their feelings. This is a brain condition.
Cause just saying : When you develop a trauma, most of the time, it is cause you are fearing for your life. The mind go blank, your brain is just screaming in all your body "survive ! Survive ! SURVIVE !"
That's technical but to sum it up, your brain will lost control of your most primitives fonctions. Your reptilian brain will lose his shit. Basically. It will lose control of your tonsil, which is the part of your brain that detects danger, and your tonsil will overwork. As a result, years later, the victim will still be able to revive the memories as it is happening again. And again. And yeah, at this moment, a scent, a view, a gesture, a word will be the trigger.
Don't talk lightly of traumas and bully victims cause they are just asking for a warning before reading.
That's not so hard to just put a warning at the start of the chapter, just saying "that's about rape. Read to your own discretion."
You know ? Cause they did it for less triggering mangas than this one.

You can be reminded of a trauma, but it's not like flipping a switch, and the lizard brain is being refuted in new research, too. The brain takes a guess on why you're feeling the way you do. That guess can be wrong. You might be feeling bad for a physical reason. You might be catching the flu. You might be hungry. There can be other reasons than past trauma. If you have a habit of repeating a reaction. that's a problem, but you can feed your brain different material so in the future it can make better guesses to explain your feelings, which you can use to create a better life.
There isn't any hard-wired circuitry that came into existence because of past trauma. There aren't any areas in the brain where past trauma or any emotion resides.

Lol. No but seriously. You don't have a clue about the way the brain functions, that's amazing... You know, it seems to be a little difficult to understand for you but: brain is an organ which his first function is to live. We are not talking about emotions but reality.
"There isn't any hard-wired circuitry that came into existence because of past trauma. There aren't any areas in the brain where past trauma or any emotion resides."
Wrong, again. We know, we saw and we study how traumas can affect the brain construction. You. know, children who experiment sexual abuses in their childhood will have some areas of the brain underdeveloped, by exemple. Just study PTSD, man...
We know that traumas affects the construction of the brain. We know how traumas works, we know how the tonsil overworks, we know why some people have PTSD or depression... So fuck, no, that's not just memories and feelings. Seriously, have a grip. That's mental conditions and don't you dare to take it lightly.
"There can be others reasons than past trauma" I ain't caring, I'm talking about traumas and the way the brain deals with them. Wtf are you talking about.
"The lizard brain is being refuted in new researches." Show them. Don't talk about researches if you're not gonna show them.
And for the rest, I can't see where you coming.

okay, we're both rude bastards, right? Anyway, if you have a new dialogue that you can communicate between yourself and the processes of your brain, you might be able to lessen at least some of the intense pain of depression, ptsd. I'm happy if I can find any new answers that allow me more control over my emotional state. I'm also willing to be more responsible for my emotional state. Thinking there's things permanently installed in my brain that cause sights and sounds to make me lose control, to descend into the black pits of emotional pain that are all but impossible to get out of without chemical help, doesn't do anything for me but sustain whatever pain I'm in, disturb and keep me in painful curiosity as to why it's happening to me. If I can prevent that before it begins, I'll about do anything. Telling myself it's not my fault is like, so what? it's not any help.
So if brain research gives me valid new information on the way the brain processes emotion, I'm going to listen. I don't think the ideas we've used before to define the way emotions work are correct, and they certainly don't help lessen suffering.

Well, I don't really see your point. We're not talking about feelings but about reactions in the brain. I keep saying this but when your brain occurs traumas, the way it will be deal with can be predictable in some ways cause the damages will not only be on an emotional state but on a physical one. Depression, PTSD, denial, all of them can be explained by the way the brain reacted to the stress and have been studied on a physical plane. We know for exemple, that people suffering from chronic depression have some chemicals in the brain different from the others. We know that, when the subject is in a panic attack or is in an episode of PTSD, some areas in the brain will take over almost all the reasoning. (And that's why we say that the mind go blank. Cause, even if you want to think, you're not able to)
That's just facts. You can't suffer from that and just decide to be better just cause you want it. You need to understand how it works. That's not just bad memories.
In fact, telling somebody who's suffering that the way they feel and react are not their fault is a big step in the recovery progress. Cause if they can understand why they are reacting in this way, if they can understand that they are not just weak but are suffering about a "disease", they can start to move forward. Culpability will be lessen and they can start to seek for help.
Cause, in the way of rehabilitating yourself after a trauma, you need help. Chemical ones, yes, to help your brain to rebalance, council, to help you deal with the memories...
But you can't ask somebody to be more responsible for their emotional state. Cause they just can't help it. They really can't. If they are having a panic attack just cause you stroke their hair and that remind them of a gesture of abuse, it is because they can't help it. Nobody wants to be like that. They are just trying to deal with it in the ways they can.

No, you're wrong and it's a well known fact that you're wrong. PTSD being the most glaring bit of counter-evidence. Yes, there is such a thing as "triggering", the word just has a bad rep from all the whiny leftists saying everything triggers them when, in reality, ACTUALLY being triggered is a physical/psychological/emotional response to something traumatic. Conditioned reflex is a thing and people do respond to things that remind them of trauma. Not an opinion, not up for discussion, a fact. Stop arguing about things you don't know about with multiple people, you KNOW you don't know what you're talking about and you're choosing to stay here arguing rather than going and checking for yourself... you don't get to have an opinion that opposes the facts, thats not an opinion, that's choosing to remain ignorant. We won't be conversing here, as your stance is factually incorrect and it'd make no sense to entertain you.

To clarify, i agree with you below in that i don't think rape in yaoi is even a matter of discussion and i DO think that the zealots that freak out and fight everyone about it are annoying, i just happen to have common knowledge that people really can be triggered, so you arguing that isn't correct.
You guys need to get a clue. There's no such thing as "triggering." There's no circuitry inside your brain that goes off as soon as the right outside stimulus fires a shot.