
Your interpretation of the ending is perfect. Feels like Yui was in denial/acting strong the whole time because that's the only way he could keep functioning. In the end, though , you can tell he's really been suffering the whole time because he's smoking a cig and taking pills like Kei does. It's not the stereotypical Stockholm yaoi story.
This really makes me wanna cry and hit myself because the story really does speak the truth about reality, I mean usually in stories, you want a happy ending where all the characters get out of the situation with no regret and pure infinite happiness. But in this story the ending just leaves you feeling uneasy and depressed, and honestly if this story were to happen in real life of course most of the characters would have to live being harmed by how things began.
And I also just hate how I still feel that this story deserves to end happily because there so many sad and fucked up things initially happening, so the consequence is evidently also gonna be sad and fucked up, because that's just how things in life happen, and i really love how Harada-sensei emphasised the reality of the situation, where:
-Yui is greatly effected despite how it seems he tries to convince himself that it's in a good way and how he's likely carry on the cycle of "abandoned"-then"-corrupt", like how the oji-san started it and how the nii-chan carried it on (sorry i refer to them this way forgot the real names)
-No matter what nothing can justify how fucked up the pedophilia was, and yea you can say that it was 'love' but in all truth it was just an adult's manipulation and control taking advantage of the innocence and unawareness of a child, and even the words that they both repeat where they both say "we're not wrong",
makes it seem like this is a whole community of people who think that way, and they are seriously not alright mentally in the way that they allow themselves to feel so psychologically damaged, through their experiences.
-things don't always end happy and it just be like that sometimes ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭