I have the feeling you all tend to take your own standards and expectations for the truth! But you top it by a mile, as being judgemental and selfrighteousness goes. Why is it disgusting??? What's horrible about it???? I'm an adult (trust me, my teen days are over since about more than 4 decades), and I have no idea. What's so awful about an age gap, no matter how short or long? Love is love, isn't it?

If you don’t find parent child relation turning into romance horrifying and disgusting af then yeah nothing to say really. Sure ‘luv iz lov’ and all that bullshit. sure.

Sorry but that's pedophile mentality right there. "Love is love" gtfo with that shit. No child should be raised to be ur wife ESPECIALLY when she relied on him growing up and him being the mature adult that he is should not even be holding any feelings of romance towards someone he literally watched grow. The bigger person would have put a stop to any misunderstandings that a child/young person may have. I mean he was with her when she was wetting the bed ffs !!! Imagine remembering ur wife used to wet the bed

all that is still your own way of deciding what's bad or not, not what's really bad. He waited until she was old enough, and they're not related by blood. Where's the problem?
I know that you guys are used to find anything remotely similar to pedophilia disgusting, but in order to have an objective moral standard, you should draw a strict line between what's forbidden, with serious reasons, and what's only disturbing to YOU.
oh horrible...only a adult would understand the real reason as to why its disgusting. everyone else who is OK with it, has not had any real relations in life..tats all i can say.