Damn, I reread chapter 18, and the way Dojin made Hyesung immobile and then raped him was ...

Anonymous October 23, 2019 7:15 pm

Damn, I reread chapter 18, and the way Dojin made Hyesung immobile and then raped him was awful. It reminded me of how sometimes when girls try to break up with their boyfriend or husband, and they respond by beating them and then raping them for even thinking about leaving. I don't know why you all think Dojin is so great, he's repeatedly ignored Hyesung's no the entire story. Dojin is a rapist, and yet all of you are falling for him being sweet all the other times when he's not raping Hyesung. And then hating on Hyesung when he's just being a young kid who's been traumatized, abandoned and hurt his whole life, and you expect him to be in love with his rapist? Y'all are whack.

    Tyga October 23, 2019 7:24 pm

    Damnn!!! That hit me real hard.. i really hated hyesung but you got me change my mind.. great.. i wish everyone here reads this and stop hating hyesung..

    Nemaki October 23, 2019 7:38 pm

    True Dojin raped Hyesung... He even hurted him physically (he knoted him)
    Dojin isn't an angel at all, he made huge mistakes and some were serious crimes.
    But... Hyesung isn't all white either. He took advantage of Hyesung position many times... while being arrogant, and that's why many people don't really like him. And he did that first.
    But yeah, between taking advantage of someone and raping someone who can't defend himself, which crime is more important? For me it's rape without hesitation...
    But I think both of them are responsible for their actions. Hyesung played with fire and went too far, and Hyesung explosed and did something truly horrible.
    The rape scene also disgusted me

    Nemaki October 23, 2019 7:39 pm
    True Dojin raped Hyesung... He even hurted him physically (he knoted him) Dojin isn't an angel at all, he made huge mistakes and some were serious crimes.But... Hyesung isn't all white either. He took advantage... Nemaki

    and Dojin explosed and did something truly horrible*

    Anonymous October 23, 2019 7:52 pm
    True Dojin raped Hyesung... He even hurted him physically (he knoted him) Dojin isn't an angel at all, he made huge mistakes and some were serious crimes.But... Hyesung isn't all white either. He took advantage... Nemaki

    How did Hyesung play with fire? He just tried to leave and move out. If you're talking about him saying is that all you got when Dojin started leaking his pheromones, that was just him saying something in the heat of the moment, the fact that Dojin was even releasing his pheromones before Hyesung even said that shows that he was planning on forcing Hyesung to stay even before Hyesung "provoked" him. As for Hyesung being arrogant, I reread the other chapters and I noticed that he's friendly with literally everyone else but Dojin and Heesoo, both are people who make him feel inferior (and both Dojin and Heesoo have said things intentionally to make Hyesung feel inferior, especially in the beginning chapters, Hyesung is right to feel irritated with them imo, but you may feel differently). I don't think Hyesung is spot free person, I just think he's a normal person and Dojin is a criminal who forces himself on Hyesung the entire story, and it's upsetting to see people shit on the normal person while adoring the abusive criminal. Just like you said, being a slight gold digger and arrogant to the people who were rude to him is leagues better than Dojin. But is there anything else that Hyesung did that you're referring to?

    Nemaki October 23, 2019 8:34 pm
    How did Hyesung play with fire? He just tried to leave and move out. If you're talking about him saying is that all you got when Dojin started leaking his pheromones, that was just him saying something in the h... @Anonymous

    I'm sorry but I disagree with you. When I said Hyesung played with fire, I meant that he chose to stay in Dojin's house and to take advantage of his money... He knew that Dojin was interested in him, "inspired" him so if he didn't want to respond to his feeling he should have left. Of course that's not a reason to rape him at all!! But that's why I'm saying Hyesung is not all white and he has his part of responsability. Also don't forget that the original goal of Hyesung was to take advantage of a rich omega too... It's part of his personality.
    The case with the pregnancy was also very unhealthy... and from both parts too. Dojin wanted Hyesung to keep the baby to not let him go, (which is kind of really unhealthy), and Hyesung accepted so he could again had access to luxury... Keeping the baby of a man he hated for money? That's horrible too
    So yeah, I'm saying both have real strong defects x')

    Anonymous October 23, 2019 9:20 pm
    I'm sorry but I disagree with you. When I said Hyesung played with fire, I meant that he chose to stay in Dojin's house and to take advantage of his money... He knew that Dojin was interested in him, "inspired"... Nemaki

    Wait, he did try to leave. Several times. He was hesitant to even go to Dojin's place in the first place. The first time Hyesung tried to leave, he had just found about Dojin using him as inspiration and that very same day Dojin forced him to have sex. And then he tries to leave, but then Dojin promises to not touch him again, even if he's in heat and Dojin even got him the job at the cafe. And right before Dojin releases his pheromones to rape Hyesung, Hyesung is trying to leave again, this time to a place where he will live in a much smaller apartment in poorer conditions, so he lived with Dojin when he had no other good options (Kyungsoo's place had that creepy alpha). As soon as he could though, he chooses to move out to a less luxurious location with a person he trusts (a beta, Sooyoung). That can't count as taking advantage, he literally tried to get away from the luxury provided by Dojin multiple times. And when Hyesung does find out that Dojin is inspired by him, he doesn't take that as feelings, he feels more so that he is being used. So he decides to even take up the maid cleaning offer that Dojin offered earlier, because he thinks it's an equal relationship where they're both using each other, Dojin using Hyesung for inspiration and Hyesung using Dojin for a safe and nice home. I didn't forget that Hyesung was looking out for a rich omega, I literally called him a slight gold-digger in my reply. But the fact that Hyesung was happy to leave Dojin for Sooyoung's place proves that he's not so serious about that. I mean, he literally had one of the most richest alphas wrapped around his finger and he still tried to get away multiple times. Enjoying money that's given to you and being an active gold-digger taking advantage of unknowing people are two different things, the first is spoiled but fine and the second is scummy.

    And for the pregnancy, Dojin offers to buy Hyesung food and things not to convince him to keep the baby but to calm him down, as he was rightfully panicking about being pregnant and Dojin resisting on letting him get an abortion at the hospital. Later, when he meets Kyungsoo to tell him, he says he won't get the abortion cause Dojin promised to completely take the baby off his hands, plus he's scared of getting an abortion. It isn't until Kyungsoo says something about how Dojin might renege on his promise (which he actually plans on doing from the very beginning) that Hyesung decides to get the contract guarantee. The money thing is a bit shitty but honestly, that's what surrogates do, and that's what Hyesung wanted to be in that relationship, nothing but a surrogate (he even refuses to look at the ultrasound and gets upset when Dojin tries to show him the baby shoes, he did everything is his power to avoid feeling like a mother). He didn't decide to keep the baby to have access to luxury. He had already decided to keep the baby once he realized he wouldn't have to be it's parent, the contract came after talking to Kyungsoo. He even ran away without any of the promised compensations after giving birth. Hyesung didn't play with fire, he was taking what he considered his best and safest options.

    Sorry for the long post, I just really feel for Hyesung's situation, I know a few people like him. At least we agree on Dojin.

    Nemaki October 23, 2019 10:30 pm
    Wait, he did try to leave. Several times. He was hesitant to even go to Dojin's place in the first place. The first time Hyesung tried to leave, he had just found about Dojin using him as inspiration and that v... @Anonymous

    I still disagree haha. Yeah he tried to leave the house several times... but he's always so easily convinced not to. It's like pretending so he can have what he wants... You can't say he could have put a little more fight in it if he really wanted to. What I mean is that he shouldn't even have accpeted to come to the house of a man he hates and knows that is interested in him...
    At the end yeah he really wants to leave. But why? Cause he don't want to be attacked sexually anymore. But if Doyun never touched him? I think he would still be there using him...
    Also to stay in his friends house or Doyun... to me it's the same. One is more rich than the other, but it's still a luxury and that's what I find unhealthy
    Hyesung take the cleaning up offer not because of equal relationship, but because he wants money and it's more easy than a real job (I think he says so himself). He's not a slight gold digger, he's a real gold digger xD
    I don't remember that he's scared to do an aborption... But I remember the first thing he says when he hears that he's pregnant is that he doesn't want it. And the contract is really keeping it in exchange of money it's part of the contract they made!
    You can't compare him to a surogate! That's really insulting to them, just no!
    And he runs away without the money because he thinks Doyun will leave him alone with the baby to take care of...
    No no Doyun really wants him to keep the baby because he doesn't want him to leave! It's true! And also because it's their baby, his and "his omega"... He use the baby to try to convince him to stay!
    I also know people with almost the same circumstances... but they're not gold diggers like Hysung at all, so don't mix them too, it wouldn't be nice for them x')

    Sam October 23, 2019 10:37 pm
    Wait, he did try to leave. Several times. He was hesitant to even go to Dojin's place in the first place. The first time Hyesung tried to leave, he had just found about Dojin using him as inspiration and that v... @Anonymous

    This is exactly what I have been saying to the Hyesung haters. Sounds like you actually read this manhwa.

    Anonymous October 23, 2019 11:07 pm
    I still disagree haha. Yeah he tried to leave the house several times... but he's always so easily convinced not to. It's like pretending so he can have what he wants... You can't say he could have put a little... Nemaki

    Lol, I think we'll just have to agree to disagree.

    I just don't see Hyesung as an actual gold-digger, just a poorly-guided unfortunate kid who's being used by most of the people around him except his friend, Kyungsoo. Dojin, who is in his late 20s, has no excuse for his behavior, he was even raised in a good family (not talking about wealth, I mean the actual family are good people). Hyesung was raised in a terrible home life, he's an abuse victim. I can't blame him for thinking money is his ticket out of being constantly abused by someone. I consider gold-diggers to be scammers, and in this story, Hyesung is the one constantly getting scammed. Gold-diggers try to cultivate a romantic relationship with a rich person to gain material wealth, at no point did Hyesung try to form a romantic relationship of any kind with Dojin. Saying you're going to do something and actually doing it are two different things, you wouldn't say that a person who says they're going to kill and a person who actually kills are both murderers. Hyesung is not an actual gold-digger, he just acts like it.

    And the second time he tried to leave, he physically couldn't, Dojin stopped him and raped him (and immediately after that, he learned he was pregnant), he didn't just give up, he was literally forced to stay. And again, he didn't think Dojin was interested in him, just that he was using him, so he used Dojin back - I don't see anything wrong with that when it's consenting on both sides (it became non-consenting when Dojin forced himself on him).

    You should reread the first 20 chapters or so, cause I think you're missing out on why Hyesung had to stay with Dojin. After he learned he was an omega, he was literally shut out of good and safe work opportunities and it was the same of finding a place to live (he was only offered very shitty and unsafe rooms) - check chapter 12. It's easy to say he could leave Dojin but Dojin was offering a safe, clean and luxurious home - very few would reject that.

    For the surrogate thing, I think you misunderstood me, surrogates are different in that it's not their baby biologically (in most cases). What I was saying was that Hyesung wanted to treat this baby as if it wasn't his, which is why he thought it was okay to set those terms - to him, it wasn't his baby, he's carrying it for Dojin. And for being scared of the abortion, check chapter 21. It was shitty that he threatened to abort the baby without the contract, but the possibility of abortion had been there from the moment he learned he was pregnant. It's normal to want a guarantee that the baby will not be left to him; remember, he doesn't actually know Dojin and he obviously can't trust him - Dojin promised not to touch him and he broke that almost immediately.

    Anonymous October 23, 2019 11:28 pm
    I still disagree haha. Yeah he tried to leave the house several times... but he's always so easily convinced not to. It's like pretending so he can have what he wants... You can't say he could have put a little... Nemaki

    By the way, I'm not saying you should like Hyesung, I see why people would find him unlikeable. I'm only trying to say that Hyesung is not as complicit in this situation as others think; to me, he fell into this situation and then was severely taken advantage of during all of the confusion.

    Yaoifan October 24, 2019 3:00 am
    By the way, I'm not saying you should like Hyesung, I see why people would find him unlikeable. I'm only trying to say that Hyesung is not as complicit in this situation as others think; to me, he fell into thi... @Anonymous

    I agree with every point you made because that is exactly how I see it, too. I sympathise with Hyesung and can't really understand the adoration of Dojin. So just because a rapist/ someone who forces themselves on you is now being nice and sweet all of their previous deeds gets wiped clean? Would they be adoring a person who gave them a slap one minute and became sweet and nice towards them the next? It is so ridiculous.

    Nemaki October 24, 2019 7:05 am
    By the way, I'm not saying you should like Hyesung, I see why people would find him unlikeable. I'm only trying to say that Hyesung is not as complicit in this situation as others think; to me, he fell into thi... @Anonymous

    I agree we'll have to disagree haha. But it's alright.
    I get your points but I still don't agree with you. I re read the chapters not so long ago so I don't have the will to do it again x') I know Hyesung did have an horrible past, that's the main reason of his actions, but that doesn't prevent the fact that he IS an actual gold digger... for me. He likes to have money too much, even when he doesn't need it, and thus while being arrogant ^^ But well I'm not saying I hate him. Just that his past can't make up for eveything he does.
    The same goes for Dojin. I don't hate him because deep inside I think he's a good person, but what he did (and still does sometimes) was a huge crime and that's just horrible... it's a shame.
    I'm tired to write I think I won't answer anymore sorry, it was nice to debate peacefully!