OMG! Thank you! Everything you said I agree with 100%.
It’s almost as if no one actually cares about how Joowon feels. He obviously likes (dare I say love) and cares a lot for Haesoo. But due to their parents, Joowon didn’t want Haesoo to get hurt? Obviously he could of said/done it in a different way but they were still young and wanted them to stay a ‘family’.

I agree and disagree as well. It's not like Joowon is a saint as well, we know through the chapters he forces a lot of situations on Haesoon, and Haesoon makes it very clear that he is unconfortable. Sometimes is like Joowon is still acting as teenager, while Haesoon is trying to move on and grow up. Haesoon makes it feel like a dificult situation he can't get out, and Taku, although making it clear that is using Haesoon as he is being used as well, understand and let Haesoon voluntarily show some sides he never shows with Joowon(because he is occupied on treating him like an asshole.)

I feel like jowoon doesn’t deserve all the hate but he definitely deserves some. He shows possessive behavior by getting mad when H wants to move on. Please don’t forget that they’re step brothers and it has some amount of incest to it, which is why his mom keeps threatening him to end it. I would too if I knew my son and step son were having sex all the time. That’s not okay. I think everyone in this story deserves some kind of hate for something, but that’s what makes it good.

For me. I think most importantly the story portrays all of the characters as humans and therefore, all characters have both good and bad qualities. We see Jowoon care for Haesoo, like what you said, but we also see him as selfish and inconsiderate. For Haesoo, he's determined but he's also indecisive. We still don't know a lot about Taku yet but I'm pretty sure he will have few flaws as well. The creator always does try to show a very realistic point of view in most of their work and that's why this story too has a lot of elements that should be considered before forming any opinions, especially if they are about hating any character.

ahh yes see i agree that joowon isn’t a saint. Both he & Haesoo are characters who seems true to themselves, meaning we clearly see their shortcomings. So whilst they may come across as assholes we see them as REAL people, because who doesn’t have flaws & shortcomings ? no one is perfect & i think yeongha portrayed that very beautifully. I admit Joowon did cum inside of Haesoo despite him telling him not to but there are also instances in which Taku shows similar traits to joowon. The first time Taku had sex when Haesoo, he starts enquiring about his previous lover (which we all believe he already knows it’s joowon) I mean why would anyone talk about someone else when having sex ? He shows signs of possession before he was even in a relationship with H- Fair enough Joowon was used to being with Haesoo for 10 years or so but what about Taku, Taku only just met H?
why was he already making declarations like “he’s mine” or “i don’t like thinking about your previous lover it makes me jealous,” in that instance he’s pretty possessive. Both Joowon & Taku need to learn that Haesoo is not something to belong to anyone. He’s a person & neither of them are in a relationship so where is that entitlement coming from?
Also lets not look over the fact that Taku doesn’t let Haesoo leave in certain instances, He also forcefully kisses him in some. When someone says no, even if it seems like they still wish to carry on, NO MEANS NO, it doesn’t mean pin up against the wall or hold me down and have you way with me. Their are times when H tries to leave but T subdued him by holding him tightly and kissing him so he doesn’t leave, but i mean,, imo that’s also toxic. But see everyone overlooks everything Taku does because Taku isn’t shown as an asshole through Haesoo’s POV because Taku always says the right words and does the right things in front of H which Taku admits to. But Joowon IS shown as an asshole and that’s because he is but he also isn’t, we see this through H’s POV and obviously his perception is going to be bias/ unreliable because he feels hurt by joowon. But what makes Joowon an abusive boyfriend ? other than what you mentioned previously ? his jealousy? Taku also gets Jealous, His possessive words ? Taku also says some pretty darn possessive things, his insistence ? I mean,,, so is Taku. Which is why i feel like everyone fails to understand Joowon. J + T are similar the only difference is T is often sugarcoated and sweet words but J is straightforward. I just believe he (J) doesn’t know how to show love because he’s never been shown love.

yess ! well currently i wouldn’t say there are elements of incest- i mean they’re not blood related & neither are they related by law since their parents aren’t together and they were never officially “documented” siblings in law . However, once their parents get back together which we know they are according to recent chapters- then their relationship will definitely become incestous since they would be step siblings by law & i think the best course of actions would be to stop everything all at once. Also if you read what i wrote in my reply below you can have a read as to why i think BOTH taku and Joowon are possessive when neither of them should be.
But you also have to remember Joowon is used to having Haesoo with him for 10 years or so, he’s really the only person who actually cares about him- of course he’s going to be afraid with the idea of him moving on.
i think the ending should have H end up with neither T or J, T will obviously move back to Tokyo to finish his studies, J would officially become his sibling. So that would allow H to learn to love and accept himself & i would be really happy with that ending because i think that is H’s flaw, he has an inferiority complex which is very disheartening.

I'm here from the future to the say: YOU'RE RIGHT! Spot on with Joowon's analysis and reasoning for his motivations (he said "Dont fall for me" to protect Haesoo/their relationship). And good job for noticing Haesoo's constant running away n hurting JW, and Taku being shady af + the power imbalance lol.
I'm going through the most popular/agreed comments in the LOH section and reading comments from 2019/2020 to see how they compare to the story now. And EVERY TIME: Joowon stans, or those that are neutral, are spot on with their analysis and predictions. I swear theyre the only ones that actually read this story properly lmao
It's cause Taku stans are so set on trying to villainize Joowon and pinpoint all the blame on him and call him an "abuser", just to make their fav look better. They treat LOH like some black and white fantasy with bad guys and good guys, when it isn't that at all. All 3 mains in LOH are flawed, and honestly get what they deserve throughout the story, and grow from the start to the end (imo: jw develops the most).
Also: the thing you said about how Joowon really has no one to rely on !!! In the current raw chapter, it actually talks about how Joowon's father neglected him since his mother died. So yeah: the only one he felt like he truly had by his side was Haesoo. Yet even Haesoo abandoned him twice and kept running from him.
i feel like a lot of people don’t like joowon & maybe it’s because they don’t wish to understand his character. But everyone thinks taku is mysterious but no one stops to think that we don’t really know joowon at all either, a lot of the readers just want to have an antagonist and they pin everything in Joowon, they don’t give his character much benefit.
If people actually bothered to see past this “exterior” Joowon puts up they’d realise that actually Joowon has always been infatuated with Haesoo, ever since their first interaction. But h+J were forced to get away from each other, they were teenagers scared of the consequences and of fighting back so they gave up. I feel like everyone tends to forgets that joowon, too was young+afraid of the consequences which was why in the heat of the moment he said “don’t fall for me because i won’t fall for you” to Haesoo. He said this to protect H from possibly destroying his relationship with his mom- i mean who knows best what it feels like to have no motherly figure in their life ? Joowon does. Whilst in his heart J knew he loved him but he was afraid to pursue anything.
i feel like Haesoo doesn’t even try to understand Joowon because he's stuck in his feelings of hurt and heartbreak so he cant see beyond that, he doesn’t know how his mother constantly threatens Joowon, he doesn’t know just how lonely J really is. Take a minute to think who does Joowon really have ? His dad; yeah well it doesn’t seem he cares much about J if Haesoo’s mum had to tell him they’re thinking of getting back together. Haesoo’s mom? even though he calls her mom, we all know she dislikes him and that little boy inside him is yearning for a mother’s love which is why he keeps insistently calling her "mom". His manager? who makes profit off of him ? does he have any friends ? not really. Min kyuri ? his co worker/ noona who he's only doing his job with. Lastly Haesoo ? who’s already showing signs of giving up and moving on.
Then we have Taku whos shown as innocent, persistent, someone who knows the right words and actions to use when he's with Haesoo, i mean he said so himself. Let's not forget Taku already knew things about Haesoo before Haesoo knew of him, which has defo got elements of power imbalance. Those are things to think about but everyone overlooks. Im not saying taku is bad, because god knows hes not. Just some thoughts.
What are your thoughts/ opinions ?