She has no comprehension of consent and thinks just because shes hot she can do whatever she wants even though he clearly stated many times that it makes him uncomfortable and that he wants to stay abstinent. shes supposedly a person who has had a lot of sexual history and partners she should know you cant force sex on to people. if the roles were reversed this wouldn't have been published. she manipulates him because he has respect for her and is new to sex and dating. i like when women are in control of there sexuality do not get me wrong. But this is a horrid way to display female sexuality its rapey and just not okay.
she as clearly stated that she needs sex in a relationship so the simple fix is to find someone who wants sex in a relationship not force someone who dose not want sex in a relationship. simple concept.
She has no comprehension of consent and thinks just because shes hot she can do whatever she wants even though he clearly stated many times that it makes him uncomfortable and that he wants to stay abstinent. shes supposedly a person who has had a lot of sexual history and partners she should know you cant force sex on to people. if the roles were reversed this wouldn't have been published. she manipulates him because he has respect for her and is new to sex and dating. i like when women are in control of there sexuality do not get me wrong. But this is a horrid way to display female sexuality its rapey and just not okay.