Thought I was the only one!

PetitFae October 22, 2019 7:58 pm

I thought that I was going to be the only one to suggest a non-monogamous relationship. Being someone who is poly and a relationship anarchist, I fully acknowledge that consensual non-monogamy is very beneficial. However, that may not be the case for all the characters. Jan can't choose but that doesn't necessarily mean he wants a polyamorous relationship. I think the trauma he experienced has affected his ability to have a healthy relationship. He's terrified of being abandoned and as they say "a drowning man grasps at straw". He is willing to fill the void with whatever. That isn't to say his feelings aren't real. I'm saying that not all of his decisions are rational and well thought out. Whatever he is feeling at the moment is what he decides. Is it fair to Jamil and Pray? Hell no. Is it selfish? Hell yes.
If you cannot handle being by yourself, you can't handle being with others. Insecurity and fear carry themselves into relationships. Jan is hurt, immature and acting on his own interests, but that doesn't mean he's a monster. He's a human being and that's what humans do. I can't even hope for an ending where no one is hurt. People were already hurt and will continue to be hurt. What I hope for is an ending that leads to the least amount of hurt and that hopefully that all the characters find some sort of peace. If that is a poly relationship, cool! There needs to be more healthy queer poly representation out there.

    zxcvvcxz1 October 23, 2019 12:51 am

    I remember one where it's two guys and one girl cause instead of sabotaging their relationship she was decent and now it's a threesome but I don't remember the name if I find it I'll tell ya