What do you do to make yourself feel better when you have a bad day? Summary (Because thi...

Danny October 21, 2019 7:43 pm

What do you do to make yourself feel better when you have a bad day?

Summary (Because this just turned into a rant oh no): I’m binge watching how to crochet for some reason :’) At least it’s kinda working lol, I forgot about being said and now I’m just frustrated on how imma finish this.

Im 16, dropped outta highschool because of terrible anxiety and depression. I never get out the house unless I have to. But miraculously I was able to go outside and meet up with a friend this morning because she wanted to give me something. For a first time in a while I felt really happy and was just super excited for the day. Today was different, I felt so much love from my friend from a simple gift.

Honestly knew me being happy was too good to be tru, because my mom talked to me after I got home and I got a little bummed out. But I was still very happy because of my friends gift. I told my sister about the incident, said my mom wants me to clean the whole house and the front yard. She also talked about taking away my phone because I’m on my phone too much. (I’m at the house 24/7 after an hour worth of chores and daily things, there’s nothing else to do for the rest of the day lol) While my brother, who skipped school today can go on his phone, play games, and only has to take out the trash that’s 5 steps away from the trash can. He’s not a little kid he’s in high school.

I don’t mind the chore list, I was just upset that this is her idea of punishing me for never going out or getting a life basically lol. I’m literally a walking ball of anxiety. And she’s rewarding my bro for skipping school. He doesn’t have any chores, because in the end I gotta clean up after him. I also don’t mind that, because it’s better for me to do one clean job then having to fix his mess while “trying” to do his chores. I bawled my eyes out after my sister scolded me through text . Long story short she told me not to be selfish and help out my mom, skipped over the whole part of why I’m upset about it. Ik she had good intention behind it, but I’m a big baby and that just made me sad. This drained me so much and my confidence and good feelings in the morning went down the drain.

Now it’s kind of a shit day because I get over sensitive or overwhelmed really easily. And now I’m just back to this sad and this indifferent state like before. The only thing that picked up my mood was reading manga or webtoons on here lol, but my mom always wants to take my phone away saying I’m always wasting my time on pointless things :’) So now after cleaning up, I’m binge watching how to do crochet and idek why. I just need me to feel accomplished with making something or feeling productive.

    Hey October 21, 2019 8:25 pm

    I think finding a hobby you like to do will help cheer you up! Like drawing, crafts (crocheting like you said), etc.. I know it worked for me. I also suffered from really bad social anxiety and slight depression, but having a hobby definitely helped me throughout my high school years. The process of making something from nothing is one of the greatest feelings ever. Finishing it and having it there for yourself or others is such an accomplishment! I found many friends through the hobby and they’re very supportive. Having someone to reach out to is one of the best things you can do for yourself.
    Now, I don’t know where you live, but I think dropping out of high school is not the best idea. Having your GED at least will help you tremendously (especially if you live in the US) for your future. Maybe try finding some online courses (like I did) to fulfill it will be a good idea if you’ve dropped out.
    Also if you’ve got good insurance maybe therapy will be an option for you too?
    About the chores,, women in general are more expected to do them then men are so your brother taking out the trash is just how it is tbh
    I understand that life is hard but seeing that you’re attempting to better yourself and your mental health is a great step to making it just a bit easier. Good job!

    Danny October 21, 2019 8:55 pm
    I think finding a hobby you like to do will help cheer you up! Like drawing, crafts (crocheting like you said), etc.. I know it worked for me. I also suffered from really bad social anxiety and slight depressio... @Hey

    After looking back at it now I always regretted dropping out. But I honestly couldn’t help it, my anxiety was so bad I even hid in the bathroom for majority of the time to just calm down. That’s why now I’m just trying to sign up for online classes to get my degree. Also thank you for this comment because it really boosted up my mood. I was going in a downward spiral because of that little incident but with the help of me trying to keep busy and this comment it really helped a lot. I’m just always used to this, so seeing kind people like you on the internet really leaves a mark on me. Thanks for the advice and I hope you have a good rest of the day ^^

    Anonymous October 21, 2019 9:37 pm

    I already experienced the same thing as you, for me, i loved to write stories, draw my own stories turning them into little manga shot and stuff. You can try the same plus if you can fo crochet you can make a gift for your mom and your friends.
    About the cleaning, you can think as is also something you can enjoy, you can use music as you clean an do all the house chores before your mom ask you so this way is going to turn into a help for relieve from stress instead of the cause of stress waiting for her to scream at you or complain ( i used to do it like that ).
    And i think the same as the first comment, you can search for studying online and graduate from high school.
    Don't forget my dear you deserve to feel happy and the one who can give you happiness is you, you are precious and unique.
    Have a beautiful day and take care, hope everything goes well for you ~~