my heart hurts

Yujerian October 21, 2019 7:22 pm

Being bullied isn't easy at all. At the end result whether it turns you into a better or worse person you change into either something you didn't want to become or something that made you grow and become a different person. In the end you change regardless.

    MangaSanctuary October 21, 2019 9:56 pm

    So true. This is similar to a white paper when it gets tainted or sullied, it can't remain like it was before.
    That's why bullying is such a bad thing in society.

    Yujerian October 22, 2019 5:09 am
    So true. This is similar to a white paper when it gets tainted or sullied, it can't remain like it was before.That's why bullying is such a bad thing in society. MangaSanctuary

    In society today I think bullying is more promoted/open rather than it was in the past. How to say its more like bullying has become something normal for people to do in the present and its become something like a common and natural occurrence that you see everywhere. Its really sad when you know there are people out there thats being bullied and no one is able to help them and the society does almost near to nothing about it